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Stories from February 24, 2021
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31. Berkeley may get rid of single-family zoning (berkeleyside.com)
243 points by jseliger on Feb 24, 2021 | 419 comments
32. Toshiba Unveils First FC-MAMR HDD: 18 TB, Helium Filled (anandtech.com)
112 points by rbanffy on Feb 22, 2021 | 83 comments
33. RaSCSI: A virtual SCSI device emulator that runs on a Raspberry Pi (github.com/akuker)
80 points by todsacerdoti on Feb 24, 2021 | 56 comments
34. An ancient Greek approach to risk and the lessons it can offer the modern world (theconversation.com)
48 points by diodorus on Feb 22, 2021 | 17 comments
35. The largest library of historical European martial arts books and manuscripts (wiktenauer.com)
108 points by Tomte on Feb 23, 2021 | 45 comments
36. American Airlines confirms UFO contact over New Mexico on Sunday (viewfromthewing.com)
332 points by miles on Feb 24, 2021 | 283 comments
37. Python for Lisp Programmers (2000) (norvig.com)
78 points by optimalsolver on Feb 22, 2021 | 65 comments
38. Canada's parliament votes to label China's persecution of Uighurs as genocide (cbc.ca)
326 points by lawrenceyan on Feb 24, 2021 | 172 comments
39. Fuzzy Name Matching in Postgres (crunchydata.com)
144 points by polm23 on Feb 23, 2021 | 20 comments
40. Microsoft Sculpt Wired Conversion Mod (chadaustin.me)
84 points by yuribro on Feb 22, 2021 | 70 comments
41. Show HN: Test your Gitlab CI Pipelines changes locally using Docker (github.com/mdubourg001)
83 points by damnhotuser on Feb 23, 2021 | 39 comments
42. Show HN: I built a cute, little isometric block stacking editor in QML (kdab.com)
100 points by wuschelhase on Feb 24, 2021 | 17 comments
43. Common asthma drug cuts Covid-19 hospitalization, recovery time – Oxford study (reuters.com)
156 points by tempestn on Feb 24, 2021 | 63 comments
44. The trouble with Cassandra as an object storage metadata database (min.io)
84 points by jasim on Feb 24, 2021 | 77 comments
45. Why trademark Open Source software (lightmeter.io)
79 points by samtuke on Feb 24, 2021 | 43 comments
46. AArch64 Boards and Perception (juszkiewicz.com.pl)
67 points by pabs3 on Feb 22, 2021 | 31 comments
47. On Writing More (ava.substack.com)
125 points by riverlong on Feb 24, 2021 | 49 comments
48. The grisly trials that gave poison to prisoners (nature.com)
37 points by Petiver on Feb 24, 2021 | 25 comments
49. Enabling Rich Statistical Analyses with Differential Privacy (nist.gov)
56 points by oedmarap on Feb 24, 2021 | 16 comments
50. A Retrospective Look at Mac OS X Snow Leopard (morrick.me)
137 points by NaOH on Feb 22, 2021 | 111 comments
51. Nim versions 1.4.4 and 1.2.10 (nim-lang.org)
119 points by 0-_-0 on Feb 24, 2021 | 41 comments
52. Researchers find stem cells for hair regeneration (japantimes.co.jp)
165 points by biotekk on Feb 24, 2021 | 229 comments
53. How should economists think about biodiversity? (economist.com)
73 points by lxm on Feb 22, 2021 | 61 comments
54. Student Surveillance Vendor Proctorio Files SLAPP Lawsuit to Silence a Critic (eff.org)
163 points by glitcher on Feb 24, 2021 | 40 comments
55. An introduction to Programming with ECMA-55 Minimal BASIC [pdf] (buraphakit.sourceforge.io)
45 points by ingve on Feb 23, 2021 | 21 comments
56. US central bank payment system down for 'hours' (bbc.com)
128 points by alexrustic on Feb 24, 2021 | 177 comments
57. FAA Statement on Pratt and Whitney Engine Emergency Airworthiness Directive (faa.gov)
44 points by infodocket on Feb 24, 2021 | 46 comments
58. GameStop, Bitcoin and the Commoditization of Populist Rage (stephendiehl.com)
160 points by Priem19 on Feb 23, 2021 | 190 comments
59. When did generic grocery brands get so good looking? (aiga.org)
93 points by secondary on Feb 23, 2021 | 144 comments
60. Scholar Edward Said longed to write novels, yet never succeeded (theguardian.com)
35 points by lermontov on Feb 22, 2021 | 2 comments

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