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Stories from February 6, 2021
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1. Architecture.md (matklad.github.io)
1349 points by todsacerdoti on Feb 6, 2021 | 153 comments
2. Paul Taylor, the engineer who created the TTY machine for the deaf, has died (oregonlive.com)
339 points by wallflower on Feb 6, 2021 | 37 comments
3. Parents of daughters are more likely to divorce than those with sons (economist.com)
480 points by jkuria on Feb 6, 2021 | 600 comments
4. How to lower the price of plant-based meat (campaign-archive.com)
292 points by pantalaimon on Feb 6, 2021 | 645 comments
5. Show HN: Epub.to – ePub to pdf, mobi, Kindle, and an API (epub.to)
246 points by nadermx on Feb 6, 2021 | 89 comments
6. Show HN: LibreTranslate – Open-source neural machine translation API (libretranslate.com)
216 points by pjfin123 on Feb 6, 2021 | 65 comments
7. Show HN: Ht – HTTPie Clone in Rust (github.com/ducaale)
251 points by ducaale on Feb 5, 2021 | 96 comments
8. Complexity Explained (complexityexplained.github.io)
335 points by harscoat on Feb 6, 2021 | 128 comments
9. New quantum receiver the first to detect entire radio frequency spectrum (phys.org)
184 points by dnetesn on Feb 5, 2021 | 74 comments
10. Show HN: You-tldr – easy-to-read transcripts of Youtube videos (you-tldr.com)
187 points by bilater on Feb 6, 2021 | 72 comments
11. A one-bit processor explained: reverse-engineering the vintage MC14500B (righto.com)
144 points by picture on Feb 6, 2021 | 45 comments
12. Saharan dust: Orange skies and sandy snow in southern Europe (bbc.com)
116 points by pseudolus on Feb 6, 2021 | 61 comments
13. Netflix's Annual Reports (10-Ks) used to be a work of art. What happened? (singhkays.com)
242 points by singhkays on Feb 6, 2021 | 77 comments
14. A Woman Who Stood Between America and a Generation of ‘Thalidomide Babies’ (smithsonianmag.com)
156 points by dcminter on Feb 6, 2021 | 142 comments
15. Android emulator abused to introduce malware onto PCs (malwarebytes.com)
116 points by miles on Feb 5, 2021 | 42 comments
16. Inkscape Ray Tracing – an extension for Inkscape to draw optical diagrams (github.com/damienbloch)
276 points by app4soft on Feb 5, 2021 | 36 comments
17. Ligeti Stratos – First Open Source Microlight Aircraft (2013) (ligeti-stratos.com)
82 points by FlyMoreRockets on Feb 6, 2021 | 44 comments
18. Finally, a Private Stock Exchange (henrysward.medium.com)
149 points by jbredeche on Feb 4, 2021 | 47 comments
19. NordVPN disables features when you turn off auto-renew (reddit.com)
427 points by decrypt on Feb 6, 2021 | 229 comments
20. Mutation Driven Testing: When TDD Just Isn’t Good Enough (rajivprab.com)
125 points by ingve on Feb 4, 2021 | 67 comments
21. MiniZork: A Functional Adventure (github.com/naver)
74 points by todsacerdoti on Feb 4, 2021 | 9 comments
22. AI maths whiz creates tough new problems for humans to solve (nature.com)
145 points by tzury on Feb 6, 2021 | 79 comments
23. Virginia lawmakers pass marijuana legalization bills (wset.com)
228 points by underseacables on Feb 6, 2021 | 176 comments
24. I bought 200 Raspberry Pi Model B’s and I’m going to fix them: Part 5 (james.li)
121 points by techscoop_xyz on Feb 6, 2021 | 22 comments
25. Turn to RSS Feeds to Regain Control of the World Wide Web (techrights.org)
251 points by URfejk on Feb 6, 2021 | 119 comments
26. The programme of art plunder initiated by Hermann Göring (spectator.co.uk)
38 points by prismatic on Feb 5, 2021 | 5 comments
27. Deep Nose may one day be the best diagnostician in medicine (nautil.us)
99 points by dnetesn on Feb 5, 2021 | 53 comments
28. Big name corporations more likely to commit fraud: study (wsu.edu)
261 points by CapitalistCartr on Feb 6, 2021 | 109 comments
29. Locating Humans with DNS (landshark.io)
76 points by alangibson on Feb 4, 2021 | 49 comments
30. What data on myself I collect and why (2020) (beepb00p.xyz)
187 points by karlicoss on Feb 6, 2021 | 72 comments

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