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Stories from June 6, 2020
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1. New slats make the Golden Gate Bridge sound like a David Lynch movie (kqed.org)
952 points by jcarpio on June 6, 2020 | 332 comments
2. IBM Releases Fully Homomorphic Encryption Toolkit for macOS and iOS (ibm.com)
447 points by pavon on June 5, 2020 | 89 comments
3. A List of Hacker News's Undocumented Features and Behaviors (2018) (github.com/minimaxir)
673 points by billme on June 6, 2020 | 266 comments
4. eBay is port scanning visitors to their website (nem.ec)
478 points by joering2 on June 6, 2020 | 143 comments
5. Jurassic Park Dinosaurs Illustrated with Modern Science (jurassicparkterror.net)
385 points by raattgift on June 6, 2020 | 35 comments
6. How we use HashiCorp Nomad (cloudflare.com)
318 points by jen20 on June 6, 2020 | 160 comments
7. Humanities aren't a science and shouldn't be treated like one (2012) (scientificamerican.com)
320 points by danielalmeida on June 6, 2020 | 228 comments
8. Building the most inaccessible site with a perfect Lighthouse score (2019) (matuzo.at)
331 points by im_dario on June 6, 2020 | 78 comments
9. Let's make a Teeny Tiny compiler (utk.edu)
256 points by whack on June 6, 2020 | 44 comments
10. Peer-to-Peer Communications with WebRTC (developer.mozilla.org)
210 points by memexy on June 6, 2020 | 74 comments
11. Ask HN: Side projects that are making money, but you'd not talk about them?
442 points by whoisret on June 6, 2020 | 461 comments
12. Cingulata: Run C++ code over encrypted data with fully homomorphic encryption (github.com/cea-list)
177 points by p4bl0 on June 6, 2020 | 62 comments
13. The Brave web browser is hijacking links, and inserting affiliate codes (davidgerard.co.uk)
592 points by davidgerard on June 6, 2020 | 361 comments
14. Blender 2.83 LTS (blender.org)
264 points by doener on June 6, 2020 | 134 comments
15. All-in-One DNS block list (github.com/energizedprotection)
183 points by foray1010 on June 6, 2020 | 55 comments
16. I made a font based on my handwriting (sachachua.com)
196 points by app4soft on June 6, 2020 | 113 comments
17. Helium shortage has ended, at least for now (scitation.org)
158 points by lnguyen on June 6, 2020 | 98 comments
18. There’s plenty of room at the Top: computer performance after Moore’s law (techrepublic.com)
110 points by dsavant on June 6, 2020 | 122 comments
19. Where Do People Draw Lines? (2008) (princeton.edu)
88 points by Daub on June 5, 2020 | 5 comments
20. What is Electricity? (1996) (amasci.com)
113 points by warpech on June 6, 2020 | 46 comments
21. How we raised $3M for an open source project (posthog.com)
158 points by illuminated on June 5, 2020 | 60 comments
22. Unicode-based scientific plotting for working in the terminal (github.com/evizero)
136 points by delib on June 5, 2020 | 36 comments
23. Chance of finding young Earth-like planets higher than previously thought (phys.org)
91 points by lelf on June 5, 2020 | 18 comments
24. Free user space for non-graphics drivers (lwn.net)
103 points by ingve on June 6, 2020 | 61 comments
25. The BBC Microcomputer User Guide (kaserver5.org)
77 points by lsllc on June 4, 2020 | 31 comments
26. Belgian man has been receiving pizzas he never ordered for years (brusselstimes.com)
205 points by pachico on June 6, 2020 | 220 comments
27. How to Write a Video Player in Less Than 1000 Lines (2015) (dranger.com)
112 points by selvan on June 5, 2020 | 35 comments
28. Genetic Drawing (github.com/anopara)
116 points by runxel on June 5, 2020 | 10 comments
29. Breaking the Solidity compiler with a fuzzer (trailofbits.com)
70 points by lymonty on June 5, 2020 | 16 comments
30. Avoiding the Global Lobotomy (meta-nomad.net)
282 points by _fnhr on June 6, 2020 | 158 comments

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