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Stories from June 2, 2020
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31. Lawsuit over online book lending could bankrupt Internet Archive (arstechnica.com)
384 points by nixass on June 2, 2020 | 260 comments
32. MindSpore WebAssembly Backend (github.com/leonwanghui)
39 points by nopainkiller on May 31, 2020 | 7 comments
33. Tor Browser 9.5 (torproject.org)
275 points by ASVVVAD on June 2, 2020 | 101 comments
34. Stitch Fix to Lay off About 1,400 Employees in California (wsj.com)
149 points by seibelj on June 2, 2020 | 118 comments
35. Le fardier de Cugnot: Replica of the first automobile (lefardierdecugnot.fr)
105 points by loulouxiv on June 2, 2020 | 18 comments
36. Soviet Posters (sovietposters.com)
175 points by Phithagoras on June 1, 2020 | 74 comments
37. Why Our Intuition About Sea-Level Rise Is Wrong (nautil.us)
325 points by dnetesn on June 2, 2020 | 128 comments
38. Russia’s Elbrus 8CB Microarchitecture: 8-Core VLIW on TSMC 28nm (anandtech.com)
150 points by zdw on June 1, 2020 | 70 comments
39. Show HN: FontEdit – A desktop app to develop fonts for embedded systems displays (github.com/ayoy)
130 points by ayoy on June 1, 2020 | 23 comments
40. What Did Bach Sound Like to Bach? (neh.gov)
139 points by tintinnabula on June 2, 2020 | 72 comments
41. Dust in the Light (stratechery.com)
278 points by zwieback on June 2, 2020 | 112 comments
42. Show HN: Street View Simple – Explore Street View Data in a Browser (callumprentice.github.io)
62 points by callumprentice on June 2, 2020 | 50 comments
43. Climate change has setnetters worried about Alaska’s sockeye (hcn.org)
57 points by DoreenMichele on June 2, 2020 | 21 comments
44. Researchers create active material out of microscopic spinning particles (phys.org)
37 points by dnetesn on June 1, 2020 | 7 comments
45. Understanding Latency Hiding on GPUs (2016) [pdf] (eecs.berkeley.edu)
86 points by luu on June 1, 2020 | 27 comments
46. Internet Users of All Kinds Should Be Concerned by a New Copyright Office Report (eff.org)
232 points by elorant on June 2, 2020 | 58 comments
47. IP-in-IP protocol routes arbitrary traffic by default (cert.org)
81 points by afrcnc on June 2, 2020 | 13 comments
48. Study of the effect of Vitamin D, Magnesium and Vitamin B12 on Covid-19 patients (medrxiv.org)
224 points by ageitgey on June 2, 2020 | 255 comments
49. The business of tear gas (axios.com)
216 points by hhs on June 2, 2020 | 214 comments
50. Hundreds of Facebook employees walk out as Zuckerberg plans town hall tomorrow (cnbc.com)
176 points by SirLJ on June 2, 2020 | 223 comments
51. Polaris 1.0: Best Practices for Kubernetes Workloads (fairwinds.com)
73 points by bbrennan on June 2, 2020 | 11 comments
52. White nationalist group posing as antifa called for violence on Twitter (nbcnews.com)
191 points by aspenmayer on June 2, 2020 | 225 comments
53. IBM Stretch, the NSA, and MLK (schmud.de)
103 points by schmudde on June 2, 2020 | 17 comments
54. Walmart employees are out to show its anti-shoplifting AI doesn’t work (arstechnica.com)
125 points by pseudolus on June 2, 2020 | 98 comments
55. Penrose: From mathematical notation to beautiful diagrams (penrose.ink)
176 points by amazing_stories on June 2, 2020 | 19 comments
56. NSA Exposes Tool Used by Russian Hackers (bloomberg.com)
138 points by rbanffy on June 2, 2020 | 68 comments
57. Kuesa 3D 1.2 (kdab.com)
45 points by jcelerier on June 2, 2020 | 18 comments
58. Designing UI for VR Hand Tracking Applications (circuitstream.com)
58 points by barbelldan on June 2, 2020 | 41 comments
59. An Empirical Study on ARM Disassembly Tools [pdf] (yajin.org)
42 points by matt_d on June 2, 2020 | 9 comments
60. Semantic image synthesis and learning a generative model from a single image (theaisummer.com)
37 points by sergioskar on June 2, 2020 | 2 comments

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