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Stories from April 19, 2020
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1. Ask HN: I'm a software engineer going blind, how should I prepare?
3270 points by zachrip on April 19, 2020 | 473 comments
2. OpenCore: Hackintosh Alternative to Clover (github.com/dortania)
494 points by tambourine_man on April 19, 2020 | 165 comments
3. OrbitDB: Peer-to-peer databases for the decentralized web (github.com/orbitdb)
290 points by ouzb64ty on April 19, 2020 | 109 comments
4. Covid-19’s impact on Tor (torproject.org)
302 points by netsec_burn on April 19, 2020 | 193 comments
5. Paul Graham’s thoughts, discoveries, and tricks on parenthood (unclepaul.io)
382 points by k0stas on April 19, 2020 | 235 comments
6. A Full Break of the Bitstream Encryption of Xilinx 7-Series FPGAs (usenix.org)
277 points by Nokinside on April 19, 2020 | 89 comments
7. When did I run that command? Update your Bash prompt with the command start time (redandblack.io)
305 points by countermeasure on April 19, 2020 | 77 comments
8. Forecasting s-curves is hard (constancecrozier.com)
266 points by osipov on April 19, 2020 | 150 comments
9. Hands-on Scala Programming (handsonscala.com)
378 points by jvican on April 19, 2020 | 103 comments
10. Show HN: Explore Wikipedia edits made by institutions, companies and governments (ailef.tech)
246 points by ailef on April 18, 2020 | 59 comments
11. I built a amp+cab+effects simulator for guitar on a Raspberry Pi 4B (thingamagig.com)
233 points by fivedogit on April 19, 2020 | 66 comments
12. The Baymard Institute: An evidence-based trove of UX best practices (medium.com/seandexter1)
273 points by sndxr on April 19, 2020 | 39 comments
13. Achieving reliable UDP transmission at 10 Gb/s using BSD socket (arxiv.org)
167 points by pmoriarty on April 19, 2020 | 42 comments
14. Watch Zoox’s autonomous car drive around San Francisco for an hour (venturebeat.com)
139 points by pcshah1996 on April 17, 2020 | 172 comments
15. Covid-19 Fast Grants recipients (fastgrants.org)
169 points by jseliger on April 19, 2020 | 30 comments
16. Brain's Expectations Affect Learning (psychcentral.com)
104 points by laurex on April 19, 2020 | 11 comments
17. Our Long Bets and Predictions about 02020 (longnow.org)
164 points by another on April 18, 2020 | 127 comments
18. Show HN: Box Line Text – A simple whiteboarding tool for screencasts (github.com/jncraton)
132 points by jncraton on April 19, 2020 | 22 comments
19. An Archaeobotanist Searching Art for Lost Fruit (atlasobscura.com)
94 points by headalgorithm on April 19, 2020 | 10 comments
20. Beyond the Code: Mining Self-Admitted Technical Debt in Issue Tracker Systems (arxiv.org)
97 points by eqcho on April 19, 2020 | 57 comments
21. Show HN: Monte Carlo ray tracer in Rust (github.com/dalamar42)
168 points by Dalamar42 on April 19, 2020 | 33 comments
22. 'Bath sponge' breakthrough could boost cleaner cars (bbc.com)
95 points by fpoling on April 19, 2020 | 108 comments
23. A Genealogy of the Idea of Universal Basic Income (lareviewofbooks.org)
134 points by lxm on April 19, 2020 | 151 comments
24. Gravitational waves reveal collision of heavy and light black holes (sciencemag.org)
66 points by jdnier on April 19, 2020 | 17 comments
25. Show HN: Brök – Find broken links in text documents (github.com/smallhadroncollider)
93 points by shcollider on April 19, 2020 | 39 comments
26. Iranian teen shocks Magnus Carlsen to win $14k prize (cnn.com)
244 points by radkapital on April 18, 2020 | 128 comments
27. “May I suggest that Mr. Bond be armed with a revolver?” (1956) (lettersofnote.com)
165 points by smacktoward on April 19, 2020 | 85 comments
28. Seoul's full cafes, Apple store lines show mass testing success (bloomberg.com)
194 points by undefined1 on April 18, 2020 | 288 comments
29. Google Apple Contact Tracing (GACT): a wolf in sheep’s clothes? (xot.nl)
229 points by jrepinc on April 19, 2020 | 172 comments
30. TracePrivately – open-source sample app using Apple's contact tracing framework (github.com/crunchybagel)
81 points by prawn on April 19, 2020 | 41 comments

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