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Stories from October 17, 2019
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1. TurboTax’s 20-Year Fight to Stop Americans from Filing Taxes for Free (propublica.org)
1519 points by danso on Oct 17, 2019 | 447 comments
2. Google chief: I'd disclose smart speakers before guests enter my home (bbc.com)
903 points by vezycash on Oct 17, 2019 | 546 comments
3. Samsung: Anyone's thumbprint can unlock Galaxy S10 phone (bbc.co.uk)
668 points by choult on Oct 17, 2019 | 309 comments
4. BrachioGraph – a cheap, simple pen plotter (brachiograph.readthedocs.io)
596 points by DanieleProcida on Oct 17, 2019 | 104 comments
5. Mozilla’s 18-month effort to market without Facebook (digiday.com)
436 points by watchdogtimer on Oct 17, 2019 | 185 comments
6. FPGA Design for Software Engineers (walknsqualk.com)
496 points by srjilarious on Oct 17, 2019 | 80 comments
7. New universe of miniproteins is upending cell biology and genetics (sciencemag.org)
296 points by furcyd on Oct 17, 2019 | 115 comments
8. Zappos 2012 data breach settlement (zapposdatasettlement.com)
341 points by wills_forward on Oct 17, 2019 | 113 comments
9. Stupid Unix Tricks (sneak.berlin)
427 points by signa11 on Oct 17, 2019 | 157 comments
10. Rejected from YC (Again) (veed.io)
403 points by sabbakeynejad on Oct 17, 2019 | 258 comments
11. Aquameta: Web development platform built in PostgreSQL (github.com/aquametalabs)
355 points by dustingetz on Oct 17, 2019 | 91 comments
12. An Interview with Jose Valim, Creator of Elixir (welcometothejungle.co)
320 points by wickwavy on Oct 17, 2019 | 171 comments
13. Which Way Do You Run? (a16z.com)
188 points by yarapavan on Oct 17, 2019 | 107 comments
14. DNS 101: An Introduction to Domain Name Servers (redhat.com)
250 points by tcarriga on Oct 17, 2019 | 38 comments
15. Books: an immutable double-entry accounting database service (squareup.com)
242 points by strzalek on Oct 16, 2019 | 65 comments
16. Pontevedra, Spain’s Happy Little Carless City (reasonstobecheerful.world)
180 points by imartin2k on Oct 16, 2019 | 81 comments
17. The “Windmill” Problem on the 2011 International Mathematical Olympiad [video] (youtube.com)
196 points by bobbykrk on Oct 17, 2019 | 81 comments
18. Cambridge gallery lends art to students 'with none damaged' in 60 years (bbc.com)
157 points by howsilly on Oct 17, 2019 | 51 comments
19. Haskell in Production (felixmulder.com)
200 points by allenleein on Oct 17, 2019 | 237 comments
20. The Earliest Unix Code: An Anniversary Source Code Release (computerhistory.org)
139 points by matt_d on Oct 17, 2019 | 34 comments
21. Dark matter nightmare: What if we are just using the wrong equations? (backreaction.blogspot.com)
262 points by lordnacho on Oct 16, 2019 | 203 comments
22. Why Isn't Functional Programming the Norm? [video] (youtube.com)
296 points by gyre007 on Oct 17, 2019 | 404 comments
23. Fake doctor saved thousands of infants and changed medical history (2018) (nypost.com)
272 points by Alex3917 on Oct 17, 2019 | 78 comments
24. The Brains of the Voyager Spacecraft: Command, Data, and Attitude Control (2017) (allaboutcircuits.com)
94 points by dddddaviddddd on Oct 17, 2019 | 17 comments
25. Common Voice – Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak (voice.mozilla.org)
174 points by mjlee on Oct 16, 2019 | 49 comments
26. New Diagnostic Architecture Overview (swift.org)
107 points by xedin on Oct 17, 2019 | 16 comments
27. Show HN: Sparkler – A KVM-Based Virtual Machine Manager (unixism.net)
108 points by shuss on Oct 16, 2019 | 8 comments
28. Interview with Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard (fastcompany.com)
130 points by dsr12 on Oct 17, 2019 | 37 comments
29. Microsoft launches new open-source projects around Kubernetes and microservices (techcrunch.com)
223 points by bastichelaar on Oct 17, 2019 | 124 comments
30. Docker Compose reads your “.env” without opt-out (github.com/docker)
160 points by otobrglez on Oct 17, 2019 | 77 comments

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