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Stories from December 26, 2018
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1. New Office Hours Aim for Well Rested, More Productive Workers (nytimes.com)
478 points by acjohnson55 on Dec 26, 2018 | 270 comments
2. Rust 2019 and beyond: limits to some growth (graydon2.dreamwidth.org)
429 points by janvdberg on Dec 26, 2018 | 231 comments
3. Artificial Intelligence Creates Realistic Pictures of People (openculture.com)
337 points by Liriel on Dec 26, 2018 | 131 comments
4. Colin O’Brady Completes Crossing of Antarctica with Final 32-Hour Push (nytimes.com)
235 points by davidstoker on Dec 26, 2018 | 125 comments
5. WKWebView, an Electron alternative on macOS/iOS (holtwick.de)
197 points by ingve on Dec 26, 2018 | 234 comments
6. ECMAScript modules in Node.js: the new plan (2ality.com)
210 points by ingve on Dec 26, 2018 | 125 comments
7. T * sin (t) ≈ Christmas tree (github.com/anvaka)
266 points by adamnemecek on Dec 25, 2018 | 19 comments
8. Alan Turing and the mathematics of pattern formation in nature (nytimes.com)
137 points by YeGoblynQueenne on Dec 26, 2018 | 10 comments
9. Pessimism about parallelism (ibiblio.org)
100 points by ingve on Dec 26, 2018 | 118 comments
10. The vanished grandeur of accounting (2014) (bostonglobe.com)
100 points by Tomte on Dec 26, 2018 | 37 comments
11. A Beginner's Guide to Scaling to 11M Users on Amazon's AWS (2016) (highscalability.com)
253 points by febin on Dec 26, 2018 | 91 comments
12. Recovering Nintendo’s Lost SimCity for the NES (gamehistory.org)
225 points by em3rgent0rdr on Dec 26, 2018 | 38 comments
13. Behind the Market Swoon: The Herdlike Behavior of Computerized Trading (wsj.com)
130 points by ryansmccoy on Dec 26, 2018 | 74 comments
14. Banana Pi to Launch 24-Core Arm Server (cnx-software.com)
145 points by ingve on Dec 26, 2018 | 97 comments
15. ISO-8601, YYYY, yyyy, and why your year may be wrong (ericasadun.com)
222 points by ingve on Dec 26, 2018 | 123 comments
16. Making and Selling a Stair-Climbing Dolly (starterstory.com)
174 points by patwalls on Dec 26, 2018 | 97 comments
17. Apple needs to change iPhone’s call UI because robocalls are killing us (spencerdailey.com)
268 points by spenvo on Dec 26, 2018 | 294 comments
18. How I wound up finding a bug in GNU Tar (utcc.utoronto.ca)
189 points by fanf2 on Dec 23, 2018 | 46 comments
19. Why Exaggeration Jokes Work (theatlantic.com)
106 points by samclemens on Dec 25, 2018 | 64 comments
20. Offline voice AI within 512 KB of RAM [video] (youtube.com)
142 points by kenarsa on Dec 26, 2018 | 40 comments
21. Show HN: A minimal FFT code (lambdaway.free.fr)
100 points by martyalain on Dec 26, 2018 | 32 comments
22. Show HN: Free open-source IPTV cloud service (github.com/fastogt)
81 points by fastonosql on Dec 26, 2018 | 19 comments
23. Patreon Bars Anti-Feminist for Racist Speech, Inciting Revolt (nytimes.com)
302 points by mancerayder on Dec 26, 2018 | 730 comments
24. ESA sets clock by distant spinning stars (esa.int)
55 points by based2 on Dec 24, 2018 | 19 comments
25. As Bitcoin Sinks, Industry Startups Are Forced to Cut Back (techcrunch.com)
219 points by toufiqbarhamov on Dec 26, 2018 | 304 comments
26. Bottleneck at Printers Has Derailed Some Holiday Book Sales (nytimes.com)
53 points by danso on Dec 24, 2018 | 57 comments
27. Using different delimiters in sed (2010) (backreference.org)
59 points by navigaid on Dec 26, 2018 | 29 comments
28. Chinese may take over Mombasa port: Ouko (nation.co.ke)
383 points by tartoran on Dec 26, 2018 | 239 comments
29. Rome in Ruins (nytimes.com)
91 points by scott_s on Dec 24, 2018 | 88 comments
30. Ask HN: How is software development different in China and India?
183 points by baron816 on Dec 25, 2018 | 137 comments

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