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Stories from December 15, 2018
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1. Serverless Computing: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (arxiv.org)
465 points by snaky on Dec 15, 2018 | 222 comments
2. How to Grow Old (1951) (sites.google.com)
476 points by sitajay on Dec 14, 2018 | 79 comments
3. Today is Esperanto Day – here’s why I learned it (martinrue.com)
174 points by martinrue on Dec 15, 2018 | 177 comments
4. A look at home routers, and a surprising bug in Linux/MIPS (cyber-itl.org)
140 points by walterbell on Dec 15, 2018 | 79 comments
5. Red Hat contributes etcd to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (redhat.com)
256 points by pplonski86 on Dec 14, 2018 | 35 comments
6. Rust and WebAssembly in 2019 (fitzgeraldnick.com)
237 points by crunchiebones on Dec 15, 2018 | 89 comments
7. Show HN: CHIP-8 console implemented in FPGA (github.com/pwmarcz)
120 points by pwmarcz on Dec 15, 2018 | 9 comments
8. String tokenization in C (onebyezero.blogspot.com)
155 points by throwaway2419 on Dec 15, 2018 | 114 comments
9. The True Cost of Rewrites (8thlight.com)
212 points by telotortium on Dec 13, 2018 | 164 comments
10. In Praise of APL: A Language for Lyrical Programming (1977) (jsoftware.com)
117 points by bladecatcher on Dec 15, 2018 | 57 comments
11. Catnip Immunity and Alternatives (gwern.net)
78 points by benbreen on Dec 14, 2018 | 22 comments
12. Johnson & Johnson knew for decades that asbestos lurked in its Baby Powder (reuters.com)
320 points by cwal37 on Dec 14, 2018 | 111 comments
13. Bootstrapping Rust (gnu.org)
194 points by darnir on Dec 15, 2018 | 46 comments
14. Machine learning is gradually changing modern agricultural practices (precisionagricultu.re)
79 points by jonbaer on Dec 14, 2018 | 5 comments
15. Exploiting LaTeX with CVE-2018-17407 (nickroessler.com)
73 points by posix_compliant on Dec 15, 2018 | 17 comments
16. Hubble finds far-away planet vanishing at record speed (phys.org)
80 points by dnetesn on Dec 14, 2018 | 14 comments
17. MU puzzle (wikipedia.org)
83 points by bladecatcher on Dec 15, 2018 | 45 comments
18. Simulated Dendrochronology of US Immigration 1790-2016 (northeastern.edu)
71 points by adzm on Dec 15, 2018 | 14 comments
19. C, C++, x86/x64 assembly: The case of forgotten return (yurichev.com)
97 points by ingve on Dec 13, 2018 | 49 comments
20. Australian Gag Order Stokes Global Debate on Secrecy (nytimes.com)
143 points by my_first_acct on Dec 15, 2018 | 74 comments
21. 9cc: A Small C Compiler (github.com/rui314)
132 points by matt_d on Dec 14, 2018 | 68 comments
22. Pictures from the Eastern Bloc in the 80s (chrisniedenthal.com)
201 points by danielam on Dec 15, 2018 | 113 comments
23. William Blum, US Policy Critic Derided by NYT, Dies at 85 (fair.org)
99 points by cinquemb on Dec 15, 2018 | 22 comments
24. Show HN: Stock Trading with Insomnia REST Client and Alpaca API
71 points by shift8 on Dec 13, 2018 | 36 comments
25. Why Segment Chose Go, gRPC, and Envoy to Build Their New Config API (stackshare.io)
125 points by sahin on Dec 14, 2018 | 28 comments
26. Incrementally improving the performance of a Python script (doesnot.run)
113 points by Ivoah on Dec 14, 2018 | 21 comments
27. T-Mobile, Sprint see Huawei shun clinching U.S. deal (reuters.com)
42 points by tareqak on Dec 14, 2018 | 21 comments
28. An Introduction to Recursion Schemes (2014) (sumtypeofway.com)
73 points by fagnerbrack on Dec 15, 2018 | 8 comments
29. Could Microsoft release a desktop Linux? (zdnet.com)
142 points by watchdogtimer on Dec 14, 2018 | 217 comments
30. Parrot Uses Alexa to Order Watermelon, Lightbulbs While Owner Is Out (newsweek.com)
151 points by mpweiher on Dec 15, 2018 | 75 comments

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