31. | | Clarify Me, Please, God of the Galaxies (firstthings.com) |
53 points by lermontov on April 25, 2018 | 5 comments
32. | | PipelineDB v0.9.9 – One More Release Until PipelineDB Is a PostgreSQL Extension (pipelinedb.com) |
122 points by Fergi on April 25, 2018 | 23 comments
33. | | Neandertals, Stone Age people may have voyaged the Mediterranean (sciencemag.org) |
82 points by okket on April 25, 2018 | 55 comments
34. | | A rundown of the new Gmail (blog.google) |
258 points by runesoerensen on April 25, 2018 | 294 comments
35. | | One Giant Leap for SQL: MySQL 8.0 Released (modern-sql.com) |
136 points by dhd415 on April 25, 2018 | 152 comments
36. | | JavaScript Isn't Scheme (2013) (stuffwithstuff.com) |
84 points by tosh on April 25, 2018 | 51 comments
37. | | Ask HN: Where did you learn modular electronics? |
222 points by BrandoElFollito on April 25, 2018 | 67 comments
38. | | To censor the internet, 10 countries use Netsweeper filtering technology (cbc.ca) |
121 points by jonbaer on April 25, 2018 | 67 comments
39. | | Startup School Beijing (startupschool.org) |
153 points by tvvocold on April 25, 2018 | 177 comments
40. | | Nginx-1.14.0 stable version has been released (nginx.org) |
132 points by collinmanderson on April 25, 2018 | 64 comments
41. | | Apple will start paying $21B in back taxes to Ireland (businessinsider.com) |
140 points by jklp on April 25, 2018 | 72 comments
42. | | Ford to Stop Selling Every Car in North America but the Mustang and Focus Active (techcrunch.com) |
181 points by awad on April 25, 2018 | 246 comments
43. | | What of the lowly page number (theoutline.com) |
35 points by diodorus on April 24, 2018 | 15 comments
44. | | America is moving toward becoming a better version of itself (theatlantic.com) |
82 points by lunchbreak on April 25, 2018 | 137 comments
45. | | E-waste recycler loses appeal on computer restore disks, must serve prison term (washingtonpost.com) |
391 points by dnewms on April 25, 2018 | 257 comments
46. | | ReformedFelonForHire.com – High quality software skills, at a competitive price (reformedfelonforhire.com) |
286 points by FelonForHire on April 25, 2018 | 161 comments
47. | | Java SE 8 business users must buy a licence from Jan 2019 to receive updates (v3.co.uk) |
148 points by stedaniels on April 25, 2018 | 121 comments
48. | | 64-bit Tiano Core UEFI for the Raspberry Pi 3 (github.com/andreiw) |
67 points by Lwrless on April 25, 2018 | 24 comments
49. | | Installing Fonts Using Homebrew (collindonnell.com) |
71 points by ingve on April 25, 2018 | 23 comments
50. | | Introspect Yourself (dcgross.com) |
123 points by danicgross on April 25, 2018 | 39 comments
51. | | The Meanest Things Vladimir Nabokov Said About Other Writers (lithub.com) |
39 points by samclemens on April 25, 2018 | 24 comments
52. | | Caddy – The HTTP/2 Web Server with Automatic HTTPS (caddyserver.com) |
84 points by tambourine_man on April 25, 2018 | 61 comments
53. | | Hollywood Is Wrong: Netflix Is the Future of Film (futurism.com) |
136 points by simulate on April 25, 2018 | 174 comments
54. | | Engigogo Digest – A weekly newsletter of links and product suggestions (engigogo.com) |
14 points by savydv on April 25, 2018 | 10 comments
55. | | Kate Middleton’s ‘luxury’ birth cost less than the average U.S. birth (marketwatch.com) |
84 points by cmurf on April 25, 2018 | 123 comments
56. | | 90-minute ‘super commutes’ more common as Bay Area housing shortage intensifies (mercurynews.com) |
127 points by moultano on April 25, 2018 | 294 comments
57. | | Awesome-live-reloading – A collection of live reloading tools and libraries (github.com/hasura) |
55 points by wawhal on April 25, 2018 | 13 comments
58. | | Basic Income Experiment in Finland will continue until the end of 2018 (kela.fi) |
58 points by velmu on April 25, 2018 | 11 comments
59. | | Why we should collectively worry about Facebook and Google owning our data (thenextweb.com) |
69 points by EleneShubladze on April 25, 2018 | 17 comments
60. | | Stuck: Why the rent and mortgage-burdened don’t always move to cheaper pastures (strongtowns.org) |
64 points by jseliger on April 25, 2018 | 93 comments
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