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Stories from January 1, 2018
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1. The mysterious case of the Linux Page Table Isolation patches (pythonsweetness.tumblr.com)
988 points by KirinDave on Jan 1, 2018 | 254 comments
2. Zero-Width Characters: Invisibly fingerprinting text (zachaysan.com)
572 points by based2 on Jan 1, 2018 | 146 comments
3. IOHIDeous OS X Local Kernel Vulnerability (siguza.github.io)
497 points by tptacek on Dec 31, 2017 | 112 comments
4. What Could Have Entered the Public Domain on January 1, 2018 (duke.edu)
286 points by aw3c2 on Jan 1, 2018 | 133 comments
5. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Job Hunt (stephanbehnke.com)
295 points by rbanffy on Dec 31, 2017 | 227 comments
6. You are listening to San Francisco (youarelistening.to)
247 points by sndean on Jan 1, 2018 | 61 comments
7. Why is writing mathematical proofs more fault-proof than writing code? (2011) (cs.stackexchange.com)
238 points by dgellow on Jan 1, 2018 | 132 comments
8. Tiny, weird online communities made a comeback in 2017 (theverge.com)
268 points by lxm on Jan 1, 2018 | 84 comments
9. Copy-on-write friendly Python garbage collection (engineering.instagram.com)
196 points by happy-go-lucky on Jan 1, 2018 | 52 comments
10. Former Google and Facebook execs are sounding alarms about the power of tech (theguardian.com)
250 points by DrNuke on Jan 1, 2018 | 189 comments
11. A Real-Time Mario Kart AI Using CNNs, Offline Search, and Dagger (github.com/rameshvarun)
152 points by lainon on Jan 1, 2018 | 9 comments
12. Pen Plotter Art and Algorithms (mattdesl.svbtle.com)
127 points by ingve on Dec 31, 2017 | 12 comments
13. Wav2letter: Automatic Speech Recognition Toolkit from Facebook AI Research (github.com/facebookresearch)
116 points by stablemap on Dec 31, 2017 | 5 comments
14. Ask HN: What’s your favorite talk from 2017?
418 points by dev_256 on Jan 1, 2018 | 106 comments
15. OpenTracing: A vendor-neutral open standard for distributed network tracing (opentracing.io)
141 points by based2 on Jan 1, 2018 | 24 comments
16. Generating inspirational quotes with Markov chains (ramtin.xyz)
160 points by ramtinalami on Jan 1, 2018 | 32 comments
17. Alibaba’s UC Browser is dominating in Asian markets with lower-end smartphones (wsj.com)
130 points by olivermarks on Jan 1, 2018 | 125 comments
18. Engineers Create Stable Plasma Ring in Open Air (caltech.edu)
145 points by starpilot on Dec 31, 2017 | 44 comments
19. Chemists provide theoretical interpretation to understand chemical reactions (phys.org)
65 points by dnetesn on Jan 1, 2018 | 29 comments
20. Show your work: The new terms for trust in journalism (pressthink.org)
111 points by smacktoward on Jan 1, 2018 | 73 comments
21. RAM-less Buffers (emsea.github.io)
123 points by emily-c on Dec 31, 2017 | 38 comments
22. ToySMT – simple SMT solver under 1500 SLOC of pure C (github.com/dennisyurichev)
91 points by dennis714 on Jan 1, 2018 | 7 comments
23. How Do You Vote? 50M Google Images Give a Clue (nytimes.com)
82 points by dsr12 on Jan 1, 2018 | 53 comments
24. Testing techniques in Go (segment.com)
124 points by astdb on Jan 1, 2018 | 9 comments
25. Testing Microservices the sane way (medium.com/copyconstruct)
160 points by alfiedotwtf on Jan 1, 2018 | 45 comments
26. A basic income experiment in Kenya (businessinsider.com)
130 points by SQL2219 on Dec 31, 2017 | 148 comments
27. The CIA’s Insectothopter (ieee.org)
107 points by jonbaer on Dec 31, 2017 | 51 comments
28. When volcanic ash stopped a Jumbo at 37000 feet (2010) (bbc.co.uk)
78 points by andrewshadura on Jan 1, 2018 | 34 comments
29. Atari Video Music Teardown [video] (youtube.com)
45 points by bane on Dec 31, 2017 | 2 comments
30. AI and Deep Learning in 2017 – A Year in Review (wildml.com)
188 points by MrQuincle on Jan 1, 2018 | 6 comments

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