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Stories from December 2, 2017
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1. Django 2.0 released (djangoproject.com)
635 points by webiad on Dec 2, 2017 | 170 comments
2. Fast desktop-scale extrusion 3D printing (news.mit.edu)
185 points by lainon on Dec 2, 2017 | 92 comments
3. Stanford University data glitch exposes truth about scholarships (sfchronicle.com)
442 points by badrot on Dec 2, 2017 | 179 comments
4. Most popular Python packages now support Python 3 (py3readiness.org)
298 points by simonw on Dec 2, 2017 | 160 comments
5. 500 Startups still owes money to its latest group of startups (axios.com)
203 points by moritzplassnig on Dec 1, 2017 | 73 comments
6. Detailed Financial Histories Exposed for Thousands (upguard.com)
299 points by giacaglia on Dec 2, 2017 | 156 comments
7. Google API Explorer (developers.google.com)
213 points by tzury on Dec 2, 2017 | 37 comments
8. The Great American Single-Family Home Problem (nytimes.com)
238 points by pdog on Dec 1, 2017 | 542 comments
9. Hundreds of Fossilized Pterosaur Eggs Uncovered in China (nytimes.com)
105 points by dnetesn on Dec 1, 2017 | 19 comments
10. Bucket Stream: Finding S3 Buckets by watching certificate transparency logs (github.com/eth0izzle)
122 points by Chris911 on Dec 1, 2017 | 48 comments
11. If your iOS 11 device unexpectedly restarts repeatedly on or after December 2 (support.apple.com)
270 points by rosstex on Dec 2, 2017 | 149 comments
12. Faust: Functional programming language for real-time DSP and synthesis (grame.fr)
150 points by SwellJoe on Dec 2, 2017 | 9 comments
13. Checklist for Python libraries APIs (apichecklist.com)
178 points by sebg on Dec 1, 2017 | 20 comments
14. A faster way to make Bose-Einstein condensates (news.mit.edu)
101 points by CarolineW on Dec 2, 2017 | 16 comments
15. The information capacity of a single photon (2012) (arxiv.org)
62 points by adamnemecek on Dec 1, 2017 | 32 comments
16. Not Your Father’s Analog Computer (ieee.org)
115 points by sohkamyung on Dec 2, 2017 | 23 comments
17. Blockchain Graveyard – Intrusions resulting in stolen financials or shutdown (magoo.github.io)
175 points by malikNF on Dec 2, 2017 | 29 comments
18. Suicide by Culture (250bpm.com)
235 points by rumcajz on Dec 2, 2017 | 193 comments
19. Incremental Backups Using GNU Tar and S3 (ops.tips)
133 points by cirowrc on Dec 2, 2017 | 63 comments
20. Officials Don't Get to Choose Who Gets to Receive, Comment, and Reply to Tweets (eff.org)
213 points by DiabloD3 on Dec 2, 2017 | 143 comments
21. The 5 most ridiculous things the FCC says in its new net neutrality propaganda (theverge.com)
164 points by pulisse on Dec 2, 2017 | 45 comments
22. App with local notification will crash iOS Springboard on Dec. 2 (twitter.com/niw)
167 points by sashk on Dec 2, 2017 | 84 comments
23. How to buy a Dell laptop with the Intel ME disabled from the factory (reddit.com)
134 points by imwally on Dec 2, 2017 | 22 comments
24. Ask HN: Time Management Tricks and Tips
219 points by wasi0013 on Dec 2, 2017 | 78 comments
25. India is preparing to land on moon for the first time in the country's history (businessinsider.com)
130 points by cynicaldevil on Dec 2, 2017 | 47 comments
26. Sshtalk: An SSH-based chat made in assembler (2ton.com.au)
96 points by mabynogy on Dec 2, 2017 | 35 comments
27. Yelp Wi-Fi (yelpwifi.com)
112 points by valgaze on Dec 2, 2017 | 108 comments
28. Show HN: Freeciv WebGL 3D (freeciv.org)
105 points by roschdal on Dec 2, 2017 | 15 comments
29. Afghan girls win European prize for solar-powered farming robot (reuters.com)
129 points by ohjeez on Dec 1, 2017 | 47 comments
30. DOJ: We Want Martin Shkreli’s Enigma Machine, Wu-Tang Album, and $7.3M (arstechnica.com)
133 points by wglb on Dec 1, 2017 | 121 comments

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