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Stories from October 1, 2017
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1. Vladimir Voevodsky has died (ias.edu)
397 points by slbenfica on Oct 1, 2017 | 89 comments
2. HTTP is obsolete. It's time for the Distributed Web (2015) (blog.neocities.org)
467 points by Karrot_Kream on Sept 30, 2017 | 216 comments
3. 3D crosswalk in Iceland helps slow down speeding motorists (visir.is)
365 points by lando2319 on Sept 30, 2017 | 160 comments
4. Atmanos: Build Go programs that run directly on the Xen hypervisor (github.com/atmanos)
193 points by loppers92 on Oct 1, 2017 | 55 comments
5. Never Completed Game (nevercompletedgame.com)
250 points by lainon on Oct 1, 2017 | 198 comments
6. Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Give Real-Time Analytics (2013) (mcfunley.com)
291 points by irfansharif on Oct 1, 2017 | 70 comments
7. A Map of Native American Tribes (npr.org)
194 points by jb1991 on Oct 1, 2017 | 111 comments
8. Processing the Page Turn (cpushack.com)
150 points by sohkamyung on Oct 1, 2017 | 26 comments
9. Cheatsheet for the modern JavaScript (github.com/mbeaudru)
288 points by shridhad on Oct 1, 2017 | 31 comments
10. Ask HN: Where do I get started on ASICs, FPGA, RTL, Verilog et. al?
267 points by bharatkhatri14 on Oct 1, 2017 | 109 comments
11. I wanted to understand why racists hated me, so I befriended Klansmen (washingtonpost.com)
370 points by evo_9 on Oct 1, 2017 | 208 comments
12. State Of the Art of War: Offensive Techniques in Binary Analysis [pdf] (ucsb.edu)
84 points by server_bot on Oct 1, 2017 | 5 comments
13. Git, Graphs and Software Engineering (third-bit.com)
110 points by tsemple on Sept 30, 2017 | 38 comments
14. The Red Atlas: How the Soviet Union Mapped the World (redatlasbook.com)
151 points by chippy on Oct 1, 2017 | 66 comments
15. Wikipedia graph mining: dynamic structure of collective memory (miz.space)
107 points by mathgenius on Oct 1, 2017 | 6 comments
16. Haxe – Opensource Cross-Platform Toolkit (haxe.org)
149 points by bigbugbag on Sept 30, 2017 | 38 comments
17. Show HN: Using LDA to suggest GitHub repositories based on what you have starred (gitsuggest.com)
99 points by c5urf3r on Oct 1, 2017 | 47 comments
18. Calculating the Distance Between Points in Wrap Around (Toroidal) Space (demofox.org)
106 points by Atrix256 on Oct 1, 2017 | 39 comments
19. A Large-Scale Study of Programming Languages and Code Quality in GitHub (2014) (acm.org)
189 points by pk2200 on Oct 1, 2017 | 66 comments
20. Alice in Python projectland (veekaybee.github.io)
152 points by dsr12 on Oct 1, 2017 | 46 comments
21. WalmartLabs opensources its tool for bringing React Native to mobile apps (techcrunch.com)
109 points by neutronbits on Oct 1, 2017 | 43 comments
22. A successful Git branching model (2010) (nvie.com)
127 points by gandalfar on Oct 1, 2017 | 120 comments
23. First open-access data from large collider confirm subatomic particle patterns (phys.org)
73 points by dnetesn on Oct 1, 2017 | 13 comments
24. A glut of PhDs who can’t find academic jobs (theguardian.com)
178 points by jseliger on Oct 1, 2017 | 169 comments
25. EFF: Stupid patents are dragging down AI and machine learning (arstechnica.com)
239 points by Deinos on Oct 1, 2017 | 139 comments
26. The Origin of the Stored Program Concept (1985) [pdf] (sydney.edu.au)
45 points by _culy on Oct 1, 2017 | 9 comments
27. Science saved me from pretending to love wine (newyorker.com)
214 points by fanf2 on Oct 1, 2017 | 205 comments
28. Show HN: Javascript face recognition game using TensorFlow (github.com/icoxfog417)
62 points by icoxfog417 on Oct 1, 2017 | 7 comments
29. Could ayahuasca have health benefits? (bbc.co.uk)
146 points by jeffwass on Oct 1, 2017 | 150 comments
30. Sitting down too much is doing more harm to your body than you can imagine (elth.co)
221 points by rahulchowdhury on Oct 1, 2017 | 179 comments

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