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Stories from November 5, 2016
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1. Show HN: Make an app by adding JSON to this app (github.com/jasonette)
648 points by gliechtenstein on Nov 5, 2016 | 176 comments
2. How to contribute to an open source project on GitHub (davidecoppola.com)
433 points by vivaladav on Nov 5, 2016 | 92 comments
3. Why I won't recommend Signal anymore (sandervenema.ch)
328 points by maglavaitss on Nov 5, 2016 | 334 comments
4. Physicists demonstrate existence of new subatomic structure (iastate.edu)
135 points by upen on Nov 5, 2016 | 36 comments
5. FlyWeb – An API for web pages to host local web servers (flyweb.github.io)
312 points by collinmanderson on Nov 5, 2016 | 69 comments
6. Solid metallic hydrogen has been produced in the laboratory (arxiv.org)
242 points by ars on Nov 4, 2016 | 61 comments
7. Jury finds Rolling Stone responsible for defamation with gang rape story (washingtonpost.com)
239 points by gist on Nov 4, 2016 | 101 comments
8. H265: Technical Overview (sonnati.wordpress.com)
197 points by tambourine_man on Nov 5, 2016 | 60 comments
9. Be careful about what you dislike (pocoo.org)
351 points by JonoBB on Nov 5, 2016 | 169 comments
10. Show HN: Best of Themes – The simplest way to browse thousands of website themes (bestofthemes.com)
164 points by danialtz on Nov 4, 2016 | 42 comments
11. I don’t like computers (happyassassin.net)
450 points by cheiVia0 on Nov 5, 2016 | 263 comments
12. The End of the General Purpose Operating System (morethanseven.net)
180 points by grey-area on Nov 5, 2016 | 97 comments
13. Cartoon Laws of Physics (toronto.edu)
153 points by davesailer on Nov 5, 2016 | 52 comments
14. Ring, officially a GNU package (savoirfairelinux.com)
169 points by terraforming on Nov 5, 2016 | 65 comments
15. Inside NORAD's Cheyenne Mountain Combat Center (thememoryhole2.org)
133 points by quakeguy on Nov 5, 2016 | 30 comments
16. Watching Larry Ellison Become Larry Ellison (steveblank.com)
148 points by sajid on Nov 5, 2016 | 77 comments
17. Shrimp Trap (primitivetechnology.wordpress.com)
166 points by nikolay on Nov 4, 2016 | 77 comments
18. Postgres Autovacuum is Not the Enemy (citusdata.com)
77 points by narfz on Nov 4, 2016 | 15 comments
19. Emotional, behavioral and social difficulties among high-IQ children [pdf] (lscp.net)
115 points by lainon on Nov 5, 2016 | 63 comments
20. Is democracy a failure? (1861) (nytimes.com)
167 points by siavosh on Nov 5, 2016 | 266 comments
21. Ask HN: Do you still use UML?
166 points by dmitripopov on Nov 5, 2016 | 185 comments
22. Cholera 101: Why an Ancient Disease Keeps on Haunting Us (npr.org)
39 points by Mz on Nov 4, 2016 | 2 comments
23. Show HN: Cloud Commander orthodox web file manager with console and editor (cloudcmd.io)
81 points by coderaiser on Nov 5, 2016 | 23 comments
24. R Course Finder (r-exercises.com)
65 points by rexercises on Nov 5, 2016 | 5 comments
25. Docker in Production: A retort (patrobinson.github.io)
133 points by crymer11 on Nov 5, 2016 | 120 comments
26. New Scandals Show How Pervasive Mass Surveillance Is in the West (theintercept.com)
157 points by lisper on Nov 5, 2016 | 35 comments
27. Procedural Dungeon Generation: A Drunkard's Walk in ClojureScript (jrheard.com)
75 points by tosh on Nov 5, 2016 | 9 comments
28. Turbo.js – GPGPU made simple (turbo.github.io)
135 points by Lolapo on Nov 4, 2016 | 29 comments
29. Deep in New Zealand (nybooks.com)
40 points by Petiver on Nov 3, 2016 | 34 comments
30. An Introduction to Deep Learning (algorithmia.com)
110 points by felix_thursday on Nov 4, 2016 | 5 comments

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