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Stories from October 29, 2016
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31. CRISPR hacks expand uses of gene-editing toolbox (spectrumnews.org)
79 points by jonbaer on Oct 29, 2016
32. Casual Introduction to Low-Level Graphics Programming (stephaniehurlburt.com)
137 points by deafcalculus on Oct 29, 2016 | 26 comments
33. The dawn of 3D games (2007) (grenouille-bouillie.blogspot.com)
68 points by bane on Oct 28, 2016 | 17 comments
34. Robert Elder Software Linux Operating System (robertelder.org)
104 points by robertelder on Oct 29, 2016 | 14 comments
35. Why It Took So Long to Invent the Wheel (2012) (scientificamerican.com)
160 points by Tomte on Oct 28, 2016 | 155 comments
36. The Cell’s Backup Genetic Instructions (quantamagazine.org)
33 points by M_Grey on Oct 28, 2016 | 1 comment
37. Liskov's Reading List for Computer Scientists (jpirker.com)
109 points by aliu22 on Oct 29, 2016 | 9 comments
38. GC Pauses and Safe Points in the CLR (mattwarren.org)
79 points by matthewwarren on Oct 29, 2016 | 4 comments
39. AMD 2013 APUs to Include ARM Cortex-A5 Processor for TrustZone Capabilities (anandtech.com)
45 points by colinscape on Oct 29, 2016 | 7 comments
40. A Moment of Silence for the Black and Brown Talent That Grew on Vine (npr.org)
101 points by t23 on Oct 29, 2016 | 27 comments
41. Academia, Love Me Back (vivatiffany.wordpress.com)
147 points by gluxon on Oct 29, 2016 | 85 comments
42. General questions about the Airbnb Community Commitment (airbnb.com)
62 points by michaelrkn on Oct 29, 2016 | 176 comments
43. WordPress creator slams Wix: ‘Your app editor is built with stolen code’ (venturebeat.com)
194 points by jaredtking on Oct 29, 2016 | 70 comments
44. The Photographer’s Ephemeris for Desktop (photoephemeris.com)
39 points by Tomte on Oct 29, 2016 | 6 comments
45. VirtualBox 5.1.8 (virtualbox.org)
107 points by based2 on Oct 29, 2016 | 95 comments
46. AtomBombing: A Code Injection That Bypasses Current Security Solutions (ensilo.com)
54 points by brakmic on Oct 29, 2016 | 17 comments
47. 5th RISC-V Workshop Preliminary Agenda (riscv.org)
41 points by cheiVia0 on Oct 29, 2016 | 7 comments
48. Fewer numbers, better science (nature.com)
38 points by Someone on Oct 29, 2016 | 3 comments
49. [flagged] Show HN: Put “gifs.com/save” in front of any Vine link (gifs.com)
64 points by kobbad on Oct 29, 2016 | 12 comments
50. Wickr Inc – When Honesty Disappears Behind the VCP Mountain (vulnerability-db.com)
28 points by _vvdf on Oct 29, 2016 | 18 comments
51. Introducing the World's Most Advanced Chatbot Lawyer (lawbot.info)
23 points by jonbaer on Oct 29, 2016 | 28 comments
52. Big-O notation explained by a self-taught programmer (abrah.ms)
100 points by maxt on Oct 29, 2016 | 57 comments
53. The American Cloud (aeon.co)
46 points by dedalus on Oct 29, 2016 | 14 comments
54. Tell HN: Enigmail 2.0 to automatically encrypt e-mails
70 points by vx17h on Oct 29, 2016 | 12 comments
55. Was Joomla Sabotaged? (fionacoulter.com)
81 points by markdown on Oct 29, 2016 | 17 comments
56. The WhatsApp suicide (bbc.com)
98 points by akbarnama on Oct 29, 2016 | 83 comments
57. Show HN: RethinkDB change feeds for indexing Algolia (github.com/rlancer)
42 points by rlancer on Oct 29, 2016 | 7 comments
58. SpaceX says helium loading issue caused accident, seeks 2016 return to flight (arstechnica.com)
66 points by gvb on Oct 29, 2016 | 22 comments
59. Clinton Circle (media.mit.edu)
103 points by cesifoti on Oct 29, 2016 | 27 comments
60. Bonobos’ Andy Dunn Talks the Future of Retail (coveteur.com)
15 points by jthnews on Oct 28, 2016 | 7 comments

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