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Stories from August 25, 2016
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1. NSO Group's iPhone Zero-Days used against a UAE Human Rights Defender (citizenlab.org)
1055 points by dropalltables on Aug 25, 2016 | 242 comments
2. “How do I choose not to share my account information with Facebook?” (whatsapp.com)
539 points by SnaKeZ on Aug 25, 2016 | 308 comments
3. Amazon Vehicles (amazon.com)
472 points by kjhughes on Aug 25, 2016 | 246 comments
4. Facebook AI Research Team Open Source DeepMask and SharpMask (facebook.com)
366 points by natthub on Aug 25, 2016 | 83 comments
5. FreeNAS: Open Source Storage Operating System (freenas.org)
275 points by phantom_oracle on Aug 25, 2016 | 176 comments
6. BlackBox (blackbox.cool)
394 points by gregorymichael on Aug 25, 2016 | 126 comments
7. HackedThat: Breaking in to a hardened server via the back door (polynome.co)
271 points by bradleybuda on Aug 25, 2016 | 66 comments
8. Use It Too Much and Lose It? The Effect of Working Hours on Cognitive Ability [pdf] (melbourneinstitute.com)
179 points by analyst74 on Aug 25, 2016 | 43 comments
9. ITT is no longer allowed to enroll students who rely on federal loans and grants (washingtonpost.com)
204 points by inputcoffee on Aug 25, 2016 | 130 comments
10. Arguments against JSON-driven development (okigiveup.net)
257 points by afroisalreadyin on Aug 25, 2016 | 294 comments
11. How Startup Options and Ownership Work (a16z.com)
254 points by lxm on Aug 25, 2016 | 96 comments
12. How to make Slack less bad for you (robertheaton.com)
171 points by hardmath123 on Aug 25, 2016 | 138 comments
13. Using attrs for everything in Python (twistedmatrix.com)
246 points by stavros on Aug 25, 2016 | 101 comments
14. What’s New in C# 7.0 (microsoft.com)
322 points by runesoerensen on Aug 25, 2016 | 268 comments
15. Giant ‘Arrows’ Seen From Space Point to a Vanished World (nationalgeographic.com)
202 points by Thevet on Aug 24, 2016 | 49 comments
16. Mezzano – An operating system written in Common Lisp (github.com/froggey)
213 points by arm on Aug 25, 2016 | 63 comments
17. The Macaroni in ‘Yankee Doodle’ Is Not What You Think (atlasobscura.com)
142 points by samclemens on Aug 24, 2016 | 72 comments
18. The One Second Dash (ridiculousfish.com)
135 points by dmit on Aug 24, 2016 | 18 comments
19. How We Designed Our Interview Process (readme.io)
144 points by gkoberger on Aug 25, 2016 | 79 comments
20. Language contains human biases, and so will machines trained on language corpora (freedom-to-tinker.com)
124 points by r721 on Aug 24, 2016 | 53 comments
21. Massimo Pigliucci on Stoicism (fivebooks.com)
87 points by magda_wang on Aug 24, 2016 | 12 comments
22. Learning from Imbalanced Classes (svds.com)
108 points by bradaallen on Aug 25, 2016 | 12 comments
23. Scientists Watch Thoughts Form in the Brain (scientificamerican.com)
165 points by Cozumel on Aug 25, 2016 | 86 comments
24. University of Chicago: ‘We Do Not Support So-Called Trigger Warnings’ (time.com)
439 points by ourmandave on Aug 25, 2016 | 422 comments
25. Essential Electron (jlord.us)
184 points by kawera on Aug 25, 2016 | 114 comments
26. ME Analyzer – Intel Engine Firmware Analysis Tool (github.com/platomav)
80 points by walterbell on Aug 24, 2016 | 13 comments
27. How Parents Harnessed the Power of Social Media to Challenge EpiPen Prices (nytimes.com)
72 points by pavornyoh on Aug 25, 2016 | 90 comments
28. The IBM System/360: the first modular, general-purpose computer (sourcegraph.com)
105 points by lindax on Aug 25, 2016 | 37 comments
29. Bad predictions about the internet (newstatesman.com)
78 points by prismatic on Aug 25, 2016 | 59 comments
30. Farming Invented Twice in the Middle East, Genomes Study Reveals (scientificamerican.com)
61 points by benbreen on Aug 22, 2016 | 26 comments

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