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Stories from January 31, 2016
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1. Why use www? (yes-www.org)
601 points by wfunction on Jan 30, 2016 | 267 comments
2. Introducing Bootstrap Studio (bootstrapstudio.io)
461 points by 2a0c40 on Jan 31, 2016 | 132 comments
3. List of high-quality open datasets in public domains (github.com/caesar0301)
388 points by Jasamba on Jan 30, 2016 | 34 comments
4. Pingendo – Free, simple app for Bootstrap prototyping (pingendo.com)
356 points by rhapsodyv on Jan 31, 2016 | 67 comments
5. UCOP Ordered Spyware Installed on UC Data Networks (utotherescue.blogspot.com)
329 points by firloop on Jan 31, 2016 | 157 comments
6. How to Raise a Creative Child. Step One: Back Off (nytimes.com)
275 points by lxm on Jan 31, 2016 | 145 comments
7. Ultra-fine particles emitted by commercial desktop 3D printers [pdf] (europa.eu)
188 points by hippich on Jan 31, 2016 | 62 comments
8. Swift API Design Guidelines (swift.org)
74 points by rayshan on Jan 30, 2016 | 3 comments
9. IRCv3 (irccloud.com)
187 points by bemmu on Jan 31, 2016 | 77 comments
10. A Programming Language with Deterministic Multithreading (tormeh.github.io)
78 points by tormeh on Jan 30, 2016 | 24 comments
11. Picrin – a lightweight R7RS scheme implementation in pure C89 (github.com/picrin-scheme)
93 points by networked on Jan 30, 2016 | 2 comments
12. Optimizing HTTPS performance (istlsfastyet.com)
150 points by sshravan on Jan 31, 2016 | 38 comments
13. Bulma: Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox (github.com/jgthms)
146 points by dkannan on Jan 31, 2016 | 36 comments
14. Deep Learning Is Easy – Learn Something Harder (inference.vc)
244 points by hunglee2 on Jan 31, 2016 | 59 comments
15. Introduction to the Autotools (2012) (dwheeler.com)
112 points by ingve on Jan 31, 2016 | 55 comments
16. No POST after rm -rf / (archlinux.org)
422 points by wsx on Jan 31, 2016 | 169 comments
17. Kirk: A highly-flexible thread pool (github.com/kinghajj)
67 points by luu on Jan 31, 2016 | 13 comments
18. Intel SGX Explained (iacr.org)
95 points by zmanian on Jan 31, 2016 | 47 comments
19. Is It Time for Swift? (realm.io)
101 points by astigsen on Jan 31, 2016 | 75 comments
20. Ex CIA Spy Recalls Her Time in Russia (wect.com)
101 points by kafkaesq on Jan 31, 2016 | 26 comments
21. What Does a Parrot Know About PTSD? (nytimes.com)
85 points by sergeant3 on Jan 31, 2016 | 17 comments
22. Show HN: Skadi – self-hosted Trello alternative with a 10 second installation (getskadi.com)
104 points by medvednikov on Jan 31, 2016 | 56 comments
23. Vulkan in Open Source [pdf] (fosdem.org)
74 points by 1ace on Jan 31, 2016 | 54 comments
24. Theranos Stops Drawing Blood from Patients at Capital BlueCross Store (wsj.com)
68 points by apsec112 on Jan 31, 2016 | 16 comments
25. Comparison of C/Posix standard library implementations for Linux (etalabs.net)
70 points by ingve on Jan 31, 2016 | 9 comments
26. BlitzMax, Cross-Platform OO BASIC, Is Free and Open Source (blitzbasic.com)
82 points by dragonbonheur on Jan 31, 2016 | 37 comments
27. Switzerland will vote on having a national wage of £1,700 a month (independent.co.uk)
163 points by gipkot on Jan 31, 2016 | 170 comments
28. Founder of Liberty Reserve Pleads Guilty to Laundering More Than $250M (justice.gov)
66 points by us0r on Jan 31, 2016 | 76 comments
29. Why does the the human mind ignore the second "the"? (reddit.com)
91 points by dsr12 on Jan 31, 2016 | 16 comments
30. Rust for Web (medium.com/eugeniyoz)
136 points by EugeneOZ on Jan 31, 2016 | 94 comments

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