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Stories from October 25, 2015
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61. Fall of the Brothel Industry (theatlantic.com)
33 points by jimsojim on Oct 25, 2015 | 52 comments
62. Obesity is rising in Silicon Valley (fortune.com)
67 points by fahimulhaq on Oct 25, 2015 | 72 comments
63. Sony Filed a Copyright Claim Against the Stock Video I Licensed to Them (petapixel.com)
98 points by mayneack on Oct 25, 2015 | 36 comments
64. The Turris open router project (turris.cz)
37 points by JoachimS on Oct 25, 2015 | 15 comments
65. An 11-year-old is selling cryptographically secure passwords for $2 each (arstechnica.com)
84 points by frostmatthew on Oct 25, 2015 | 35 comments
66. Why IoT Security Is Critical (techcrunch.com)
23 points by pavornyoh on Oct 25, 2015 | 4 comments
67. Why I Identify as Mammal (nytimes.com)
23 points by pavornyoh on Oct 24, 2015 | 46 comments
68. The Unix Time Sharing System (1974) [pdf] (cs.berkeley.edu)
18 points by id_ris on Oct 25, 2015 | 5 comments
69. Luxe a Year Later (medium.com/curtisylee)
20 points by mbose on Oct 25, 2015 | 6 comments
70. STICK: Spike Time Interval Computational Kernel (mitpressjournals.org)
16 points by fitzwatermellow on Oct 25, 2015
71. The number of Americans who say they smoke pot has doubled in the last decade (nih.gov)
22 points by Oatseller on Oct 25, 2015 | 8 comments
72. The Darknet: Is the Government Destroying “the Wild West of the Internet?” (rollingstone.com)
37 points by nols on Oct 25, 2015 | 12 comments
73. Engineers Build Ugly Products (techcrunch.com)
30 points by confiscate on Oct 25, 2015 | 32 comments
74. There are no rules in math (hardmath123.github.io)
31 points by hardmath123 on Oct 25, 2015 | 19 comments
75. Why I Still Get Shunned by Taxi Drivers (theatlantic.com)
58 points by e28eta on Oct 25, 2015 | 28 comments
76. Andy Kaufman and Redd Foxx to tour years after death as holograms (nytimes.com)
13 points by rmason on Oct 24, 2015 | 5 comments
77. Turing CEO Defends $750 Pill in Reddit AMA (techcrunch.com)
37 points by funkyy on Oct 25, 2015 | 50 comments
78. The Trillion-Dollar Vision of Dee Hock (2012) (fastcompany.com)
13 points by twic on Oct 25, 2015 | 1 comment
79. Unicode date formats, YYYY? (boredzo.org)
30 points by ingve on Oct 24, 2015 | 12 comments
80. Crispr tweak may help gene-edited crops bypass biosafety regulation (nature.com)
9 points by cryoshon on Oct 25, 2015 | 1 comment
81. Expedition seeks microbes from Atlantis Massif, a 4km-high underwater mountain (bbc.com)
7 points by rickdale on Oct 25, 2015
82. Ask HN: Are startups diluting their own market?
27 points by akanshmurthy on Oct 25, 2015 | 16 comments
83. Inside Sotheby’s $500M Bet on Restoring Image of Ex-Chairman (nytimes.com)
3 points by aaronbrethorst on Oct 25, 2015
84. Spirits, Science and the Mind: The Journal ‘Psychische Studien’ (2013) (forbiddenhistories.com)
5 points by Petiver on Oct 25, 2015
85. EverythingMe closes down despite raising $37.5M (globes.co.il)
14 points by wslh on Oct 25, 2015 | 13 comments
86. Newspaper moguls and the birth of a media labor movement (theawl.com)
7 points by samclemens on Oct 24, 2015
87. False Alarms in the Nuclear Age (2001) (pbs.org)
8 points by nikolasavic on Oct 25, 2015
88. Achievement Unlocked: Get Hired as a Junior Developer (skiplearnscode.wordpress.com)
11 points by byaruhaf on Oct 24, 2015 | 3 comments
89. Oakland landlord who owns 3,600 properties raises $1080 rent to $3870/month (oaklandxings.com)
18 points by doctorshady on Oct 25, 2015 | 30 comments
90. E-Resident Me: Unofficial Guide to Estonian E-Residency (eresident.me)
15 points by juskrey on Oct 25, 2015

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