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Stories from September 3, 2015
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31. The mysterious origins of punctuation (bbc.com)
69 points by scdoshi on Sept 3, 2015 | 15 comments
32. Garbage collection thoughts (sebastiansylvan.com)
54 points by networked on Sept 2, 2015 | 54 comments
33. The dangerous idea that life is a story (aeon.co)
75 points by lxm on Sept 3, 2015 | 57 comments
34. Porting Linux to a new processor architecture, Part 1 (lwn.net)
70 points by vezzy-fnord on Sept 3, 2015 | 3 comments
35. Solitary Confinement Is Cruel and All Too Common (nytimes.com)
179 points by zabramow on Sept 3, 2015 | 150 comments
36. Breaking the Mold: A broader array of lifestyles than many of us could dream up (longreads.com)
39 points by whocansay on Sept 2, 2015 | 1 comment
37. The paradox of soil: Land has returned as a constraint on growth (economist.com)
79 points by bootload on Sept 3, 2015 | 107 comments
38. Disasters That Worry Emergency Planners Most (theatlantic.com)
58 points by aaronbrethorst on Sept 3, 2015 | 23 comments
39. Unix Administration Horror Stories (1993) (yak.net)
59 points by amyjess on Sept 2, 2015 | 35 comments
40. The Speakularity, Where Everything You Say Is Transcribed and Searchable (nautil.us)
49 points by dnetesn on Sept 3, 2015 | 17 comments
41. OSM: Mapping Power to the People? (groundtruth.in)
42 points by edward on Sept 3, 2015 | 6 comments
42. RNAs Galore (hhmi.org)
26 points by dnetesn on Sept 3, 2015 | 3 comments
43. John McAfee AMA (reddit.com)
146 points by Garbage on Sept 3, 2015 | 43 comments
44. Protected branches and required status checks (github.com/blog)
109 points by sanjeetsuhag on Sept 3, 2015 | 47 comments
45. The University of Illinois’ Startup Ecosystem (hack.vc)
42 points by badboyboyce on Sept 3, 2015 | 45 comments
46. Show HN: Egeria, a collaborative multidimensional web-based spreadsheet (egeria.rocks)
31 points by egeria_planning on Sept 2, 2015 | 25 comments
47. How the FDA Could Change the Way It Approves Drugs (fivethirtyeight.com)
34 points by jessekeys on Sept 3, 2015 | 41 comments
48. Programmer Interrupted (2013) (ninlabs.com)
50 points by joeyespo on Sept 3, 2015 | 14 comments
49. Bruce Eckel announces he's going to write Atomic Python (bruceeckel.github.io)
75 points by h4xr on Sept 2, 2015 | 51 comments
50. A Comparison of Programming Languages in Economics [pdf] (upenn.edu)
36 points by todd8 on Sept 3, 2015 | 20 comments
51. [dupe] ARMv7 dedicated servers for 3.40 per month (techcrunch.com)
198 points by Gedrovits on Sept 3, 2015 | 81 comments
52. Maybe This Global Slowdown Is Different (bloombergview.com)
74 points by whocansay on Sept 3, 2015 | 55 comments
53. The Dual Pythagorean Theorem (2011) (gregegan.net)
40 points by signa11 on Sept 3, 2015 | 1 comment
54. Google Has a Secret Interview Process and It Landed Me a Job (thehustle.co)
148 points by andygambles on Sept 3, 2015 | 106 comments
55. Technology and Courage – Ivan Sutherland (1996) (psu.edu)
21 points by waqasaday on Sept 3, 2015
56. SanDisk and Nexenta release open-source, flash software-defined storage array (zdnet.com)
41 points by tanglesome on Sept 3, 2015 | 14 comments
57. Finite State Machines in Clojure (github.com/cdorrat)
37 points by PaulHoule on Sept 3, 2015 | 8 comments
58. New MIPS64-based Loongson processors break performance barrier (imgtec.com)
60 points by alexvoica on Sept 3, 2015 | 44 comments
59. Canada's Economic Slide in Five Charts (bloombergview.com)
46 points by adventured on Sept 3, 2015 | 41 comments
60. How we made GitHub fast (2009) (github.com/blog)
56 points by quadrature on Sept 3, 2015 | 9 comments

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