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Stories from November 12, 2014
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31. How Wikipedia's reaction to sudden popularity is causing its decline (umn.edu)
144 points by sehugg on Nov 12, 2014 | 122 comments
32. France signs a five-year national deal with Elsevier (hypotheses.org)
115 points by p4bl0 on Nov 12, 2014 | 76 comments
33. What is Gradual Typing (indiana.edu)
86 points by luu on Nov 12, 2014 | 40 comments
34. How we built our app in 2 weeks using Ionic Framework (airport-parking-shop.co.uk)
160 points by rayv on Nov 12, 2014 | 100 comments
35. The FCC weighs breaking with Obama over the future of the Internet (washingtonpost.com)
44 points by waterlesscloud on Nov 12, 2014 | 46 comments
36. Statically Typed Lisp (gist.github.com)
60 points by _qc3o on Nov 12, 2014 | 22 comments
37. Github-Todos – Git hook to convert your TODOs into Github issues (github.com/naholyr)
85 points by bpierre on Nov 12, 2014 | 19 comments
38. Data maps that sum up London (bbc.co.uk)
99 points by fredley on Nov 12, 2014 | 48 comments
39. Microsoft fixes '19-year-old' bug with emergency patch (bbc.com)
108 points by makphir on Nov 12, 2014 | 43 comments
40. SlimerJS – A scriptable browser for Web developers (slimerjs.org)
93 points by T-A on Nov 12, 2014 | 26 comments
41. Self-Memoizing HTML Rendering via Mutually Recursive Data Types (ocharles.org.uk)
65 points by lelf on Nov 12, 2014 | 3 comments
42. Show HN: Mindscapes – Stochastic background music generator (mindscapes.co)
49 points by lurzo on Nov 12, 2014 | 33 comments
43. Microsoft on GitHub (microsoft.github.io)
157 points by tilt on Nov 12, 2014 | 24 comments
44. Landing on a Comet, 317M Miles from Home (nytimes.com)
146 points by dnetesn on Nov 12, 2014 | 19 comments
45. Show HN: A simple, highly commented, rootkit which attacks GCC and Python (github.com/mrrrgn)
94 points by mrrrgn on Nov 12, 2014 | 13 comments
46. Particles.js (vincentgarreau.com)
103 points by mparramon on Nov 12, 2014 | 9 comments
47. [dupe] Microsoft Open Sources .NET and Mono (tirania.org)
156 points by aespinoza on Nov 12, 2014 | 1 comment
48. Stupid C++ Template Tricks: Conway's Game of Life (mattbierner.com)
54 points by timtadh on Nov 12, 2014 | 14 comments
49. Mozilla, Virtual Reality, and the Dawn of the Metaverse? (wemo.io)
46 points by cpeterso on Nov 12, 2014 | 19 comments
50. Linear vs. Binary Search (schani.wordpress.com)
85 points by signa11 on Nov 12, 2014 | 18 comments
51. BrowserStack Post Mortem (Shell shocked) (browserstack.com)
113 points by dmak on Nov 12, 2014 | 33 comments
52. Rejected for a Job at the Container Store (cafe.com)
124 points by juanplusjuan on Nov 12, 2014 | 172 comments
53. Lighter, Cheaper Radio Wave Device Could Transform Telecommunications (utexas.edu)
73 points by shitehawk on Nov 12, 2014 | 6 comments
54. Systemd-resolved DNS cache poisoning (seclists.org)
93 points by comice on Nov 12, 2014 | 90 comments
55. The Java Ring: A Wearable Computer (1998) (nngroup.com)
45 points by GuiA on Nov 12, 2014 | 25 comments
56. Who gets the money spent on share buybacks? (medium.com/bull-market)
42 points by william_stranix on Nov 11, 2014 | 57 comments
57. Immutable Infrastructure Realized: Fugue Computing (luminal.com)
49 points by AndrewWright on Nov 12, 2014 | 13 comments
58. What Are Wallabies Doing in Ireland? (smithsonianmag.com)
36 points by samclemens on Nov 12, 2014 | 13 comments
59. The empirical evidence that types affect productivity and correctness (danluu.com)
73 points by luu on Nov 12, 2014 | 25 comments
60. Response to HackerNews comments on my trading (ptotrading.blogspot.com)
84 points by peterkto on Nov 12, 2014 | 32 comments

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