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Stories from November 6, 2014
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31. Secrets of the Magus: Ricky Jay does closeup magic that flouts reality (1993) (newyorker.com)
88 points by gwern on Nov 6, 2014 | 38 comments
32. Mexican Cartels Enslave Engineers to Build Radio Network (2012) (wired.com)
88 points by josefresco on Nov 6, 2014 | 66 comments
33. How My Printer Caused Excessive Syscalls and UDP Traffic (zinascii.com)
90 points by rzezeski on Nov 6, 2014 | 16 comments
34. Fooled by Your Own Brain (nautil.us)
80 points by pmcpinto on Nov 6, 2014 | 5 comments
35. Show HN: Wall of Text (walloftext.co)
90 points by louisstow on Nov 6, 2014 | 40 comments
36. ARM multiprocessor support (netbsd.org)
76 points by fcambus on Nov 6, 2014 | 16 comments
37. Show HN: Assembly – Help build a product, get a share of it (assembly.com)
70 points by vvoyer on Nov 6, 2014 | 26 comments
38. Euclidean Drum Machine (groovemechanics.com)
77 points by marcw on Nov 6, 2014 | 23 comments
39. What Do You Need? (amd.com)
68 points by nreece on Nov 6, 2014 | 21 comments
40. Who has been running this classified ad for more than ten years? (workingwithwords.blogspot.com)
64 points by radagaisus on Nov 6, 2014 | 38 comments
41. Integrating with LLVM (dylanfoundry.org)
69 points by ColinWright on Nov 6, 2014 | 16 comments
42. Supporting the Anonymous Use of Facebook via Tor (digicert.com)
64 points by lambada on Nov 6, 2014 | 29 comments
43. Ask HN: How do I get my team to write better code?
63 points by kamakazizuru on Nov 6, 2014 | 81 comments
44. Artificial Neural Networks – Introduction (rzagabe.com)
69 points by rzagabe on Nov 6, 2014 | 9 comments
45. This Startup Built Internal Tools to Fuel Major Growth (firstround.com)
76 points by mountaineer on Nov 6, 2014 | 13 comments
46. Rails JS frameworks: Ember.js vs. AngularJS (airpair.com)
72 points by fervisa on Nov 6, 2014 | 49 comments
47. You Should Write Blogs (2005) (sites.google.com)
58 points by luu on Nov 6, 2014 | 18 comments
48. Stop Using Constructors in JS (2012) (ericleads.com)
55 points by outdooricon on Nov 6, 2014 | 79 comments
49. How Accurate Are These Smartphone Sound Measurement Apps? (cdc.gov)
53 points by liyanage on Nov 6, 2014 | 17 comments
50. [dupe] Microsoft Office Now Free on iOS and Android (theverge.com)
50 points by ben336 on Nov 6, 2014 | 1 comment
51. Where We're Going With LXD (dustinkirkland.com)
54 points by rlpb on Nov 6, 2014 | 19 comments
52. Sorry, We Have No Imagery Here: When Google Earth Goes Blind (atlasobscura.com)
48 points by benbreen on Nov 6, 2014 | 17 comments
53. Leaked Documents Expose Global Companies’ Secret Tax Deals in Luxembourg (icij.org)
55 points by flexie on Nov 6, 2014 | 72 comments
54. The Gondola web framework (github.com/rainycape)
45 points by georgyo on Nov 6, 2014 | 6 comments
55. SmartDataCenter and Manta are now open source (joyent.com)
56 points by porker on Nov 6, 2014 | 13 comments
56. Germany's top publisher bows to Google in news licensing row (reuters.com)
44 points by BogdanCalin on Nov 6, 2014 | 23 comments
57. Feet-On With Boosted Boards’ New Faster And Cheaper Electric Skateboards (techcrunch.com)
54 points by skdoo on Nov 6, 2014 | 50 comments
58. C++ depot build tool (rachelbythebay.com)
46 points by mellery451 on Nov 6, 2014 | 25 comments
59. Inflatable baby incubator wins James Dyson Award (bbc.co.uk)
42 points by twicenone on Nov 6, 2014 | 5 comments
60. The $9B Witness (rollingstone.com)
40 points by coloneltcb on Nov 6, 2014 | 1 comment

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