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Stories from November 4, 2014
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31. Face++: API for face detection – also detects gender, age, pose (faceplusplus.com)
127 points by gagzilla on Nov 4, 2014 | 50 comments
32. Lecture 13: How to Be a Great Founder (samaltman.com)
116 points by denismars on Nov 4, 2014 | 28 comments
33. Google’s Quest to Write the Rulebook for Interactive Design (wired.com)
108 points by InternetGiant on Nov 4, 2014 | 56 comments
34. Geiser: Emacs modes that conspire to keep the Lisp Machine spirit alive (nongnu.org)
98 points by gphil on Nov 4, 2014 | 11 comments
35. Stanford MBAs Shift Away from Tech (poetsandquants.com)
88 points by ekm2 on Nov 4, 2014 | 77 comments
36. Urban Onshoring: The Movement to Bring Tech Jobs Back to America (wired.com)
81 points by e15ctr0n on Nov 4, 2014 | 39 comments
37. Array languages for Lisp programmers (2010) (vector.org.uk)
76 points by networked on Nov 4, 2014 | 17 comments
38. The Economics of UberX in NYC (justin-singer.org)
79 points by jmover on Nov 4, 2014 | 45 comments
39. Understanding Python Bytecode (coverity.com)
84 points by neuroo on Nov 4, 2014 | 6 comments
40. Show HN: Cobalt2 theme and colour scheme for Sublime Text (github.com/wesbos)
80 points by wesbos on Nov 4, 2014 | 52 comments
41. Porting to Emscripten (hacks.mozilla.org)
77 points by rnyman on Nov 4, 2014 | 13 comments
42. The hipster effect: When anticonformists all look the same (arxiv.org)
77 points by p4bl0 on Nov 4, 2014 | 54 comments
43. Space Tourism Isn’t Frivolous, or Impossible (nytimes.com)
73 points by austinz on Nov 4, 2014 | 59 comments
44. Tinder’s Sean Rad Demoted from CEO, Will Serve as President of Board (techcrunch.com)
70 points by funkyy on Nov 4, 2014 | 10 comments
45. Why We’re Just Now Getting the 1960s Batman TV Show on DVD (wired.com)
63 points by ghosh on Nov 4, 2014 | 55 comments
46. Google Cloud Platform Live (cloud.google.com)
72 points by feronull on Nov 4, 2014 | 10 comments
47. Show HN: Interbot – Get work done right from your chat app (interbot.co)
72 points by vinodhdavid on Nov 4, 2014 | 41 comments
48. Paul Rand and Steve Jobs (2011) (printmag.com)
64 points by seatonist on Nov 4, 2014 | 26 comments
49. [dupe] Amazon Cloud Drive: Prime Photos (amazon.com)
60 points by duck on Nov 4, 2014 | 5 comments
50. Paradoxes of Software Architecture (2012) (informit.com)
65 points by jmgtan on Nov 4, 2014 | 25 comments
51. Handbook of Data Structures and Applications – B Trees (2004) [pdf] (zgking.com)
61 points by armenb on Nov 4, 2014
52. Qake: GNU Make-based build system with a different approach (github.com/mkpankov)
54 points by nkurz on Nov 4, 2014 | 30 comments
53. The Guardian Is Being Swamped with 'Dark Traffic' (businessinsider.com)
53 points by xvirk on Nov 4, 2014 | 67 comments
54. The Roman typefaces used in Chinese and Japanese text (bellisk.blogspot.com)
49 points by mzehrer on Nov 4, 2014 | 33 comments
55. Cache Eviction: When Are Randomized Algorithms Better Than LRU? (danluu.com)
57 points by luu on Nov 4, 2014 | 3 comments
56. [dupe] Game Programming Patterns now available in print and eBook (gameprogrammingpatterns.com)
53 points by mattrepl on Nov 4, 2014 | 8 comments
57. Mathematicians settle 30-year-old resonance controversy with interval arithmetic (phys.org)
49 points by fmela on Nov 4, 2014 | 2 comments
58. Show HN: Ruby Heap Viz – An interactive Ruby object graph visualization (github.com/mattbaker)
51 points by mattbaker on Nov 4, 2014 | 4 comments
59. What It Means to Live in a Holographic Universe (nautil.us)
47 points by dnetesn on Nov 4, 2014 | 12 comments
60. Why Twitter Can't Replace RSS (flowreader.com)
45 points by ElleS on Nov 4, 2014 | 21 comments

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