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Stories from September 23, 2013
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1. SteamOS (steampowered.com)
1436 points by kmfrk on Sept 23, 2013 | 513 comments
2. Ask HN: How much recurring income do you generate, and from what?
444 points by marioluigi on Sept 23, 2013 | 430 comments
3. Rainyday.js (github.com/maroslaw)
365 points by josephwegner on Sept 23, 2013 | 77 comments
4. Metadata Equals Surveillance (schneier.com)
320 points by antsar on Sept 23, 2013 | 106 comments
5. Fairfax strikes $4.7-billion deal to buy BlackBerry (theglobeandmail.com)
245 points by sbarre on Sept 23, 2013 | 115 comments
6. How to Hire (samaltman.com)
240 points by andygcook on Sept 23, 2013 | 80 comments
7. Google timer (google.com)
218 points by bugsbunny4341 on Sept 23, 2013 | 154 comments
8. Why The New Gmail Sucks (startupq8.com)
230 points by ashalabi on Sept 23, 2013 | 257 comments
9. 10x Engineer (medium.com/about-work)
228 points by decklin on Sept 23, 2013 | 176 comments
10. Microsoft’s Hardware, Round 2: Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 (arstechnica.com)
214 points by bergie on Sept 23, 2013 | 246 comments
11. This hacker might seem shady, but throwing him in jail is bad for everyone (washingtonpost.com)
198 points by Fourplealis on Sept 23, 2013 | 202 comments
12. Why we moved away from AWS (blippex.github.io)
176 points by karli on Sept 23, 2013 | 99 comments
13. Shiny: Easy web applications in R (rstudio.com)
163 points by SkyMarshal on Sept 23, 2013 | 47 comments
14. Django Vanilla Views 1.0 released. (django-vanilla-views.org)
160 points by tomchristie on Sept 23, 2013 | 42 comments
15. Today I Deleted My LinkedIn Account; You Probably Should Too (moshebildner.wordpress.com)
157 points by mbildner on Sept 23, 2013 | 98 comments
16. Ruby 2.1.0 preview1 released (ruby-forum.com)
146 points by obilgic on Sept 23, 2013 | 59 comments
17. FAA to lift mobile shut-down rule (zdnet.com)
135 points by mumbi on Sept 23, 2013 | 138 comments
18. Apple’s iPhone 5s And iPhone 5c Sell 9M Units Over Opening Weekend (techcrunch.com)
135 points by Pasanpr on Sept 23, 2013 | 171 comments
19. Invest in Startups (wefunder.com)
136 points by npt4279 on Sept 23, 2013 | 93 comments
20. A Cosmonaut's Fiery Death Retold (2011) (npr.org)
128 points by todayiamme on Sept 23, 2013 | 45 comments
21. Drakon – A visual language for specifications from the Russian space program (sourceforge.net)
126 points by throwaway344 on Sept 23, 2013 | 28 comments
22. Is College Worth It? (priceonomics.com)
124 points by sebg on Sept 23, 2013 | 93 comments
23. Open Letter to My Students: No, You Cannot be a Professor (2011) (northwesthistory.blogspot.se)
114 points by msvan on Sept 23, 2013 | 109 comments
24. Google Has Spent $21 Billion on Data Centers (datacenterknowledge.com)
111 points by ajaxguy on Sept 23, 2013 | 69 comments
25. Why are there so many successful Swedish gaming companies? (swedishstartupspace.com)
103 points by jp1989 on Sept 23, 2013 | 58 comments
26. Gmail service disruption (google.com)
101 points by jpadilla_ on Sept 23, 2013 | 53 comments
27. At 77 He Prepares Burgers, Earning in a Week His Former Hourly Wage (bloomberg.com)
90 points by weston on Sept 23, 2013 | 97 comments
28. LXC – Running 14,000 tests per day and beyond (codeascraft.com)
96 points by cleverjake on Sept 23, 2013 | 30 comments
29. Microduino: An Arduino nearly as small as a quarter, for $20 (arstechnica.com)
85 points by shawndumas on Sept 23, 2013 | 24 comments
30. Git-cal - GitHub Activity Calendar for your Terminal (github.com/k4rthik)
83 points by X4 on Sept 23, 2013 | 17 comments

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