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Stories from September 18, 2013
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1. Google announces Calico, a new company that will focus on health and well-being (plus.google.com)
579 points by spankalee on Sept 18, 2013 | 385 comments
2. Children are suffering a severe deficit of play (aeonmagazine.com)
342 points by martythemaniak on Sept 18, 2013 | 182 comments
3. The Engineer Who converted 12,100 Cups Of Pudding to 1.25 Million Air Miles (todayifoundout.com)
287 points by raleec on Sept 18, 2013 | 156 comments
4. A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics (simonsfoundation.org)
285 points by milkshakes on Sept 18, 2013 | 91 comments
5. The Dribbblisation of Design (insideintercom.io)
276 points by pbiggar on Sept 18, 2013 | 100 comments
6. The iPhone 5s Review (anandtech.com)
270 points by glasshead969 on Sept 18, 2013 | 269 comments
7. The Architecture of Open Source Applications (aosabook.org)
238 points by luu on Sept 18, 2013 | 21 comments
8. Simpson's Paradox (vudlab.com)
210 points by mmaia on Sept 18, 2013 | 50 comments
9. Verizon, caught red-handed (buzzmachine.com)
209 points by r0h1n on Sept 18, 2013 | 36 comments
10. Cyanogen raises $7 million to build a better version of Android (theverge.com)
208 points by eigenvector on Sept 18, 2013 | 62 comments
11. I'm Gen Y, and I Don't Feel Special or Entitled, Just Poor (kinja.com)
194 points by kefka on Sept 18, 2013 | 162 comments
12. A New Chapter (cyanogenmod.org)
186 points by bwooceli on Sept 18, 2013 | 26 comments
13. Google vs. Death (time.com)
187 points by weu on Sept 18, 2013 | 132 comments
14. Web development in C: Crazy? (medium.com/code-adventures)
187 points by dysoco on Sept 18, 2013 | 201 comments
15. Elon Musk's Hyperloop is viable, says maker of simulation software (businessweek.com)
175 points by T-A on Sept 18, 2013 | 96 comments
16. Svg.js (svgjs.com)
161 points by lelf on Sept 18, 2013 | 50 comments
17. How To Take Exceptional Notes and Be Productive with Paper (tomtunguz.com)
153 points by ttunguz on Sept 18, 2013 | 123 comments
18. Upsource: A Platform (jetbrains.com)
157 points by hhariri on Sept 18, 2013 | 38 comments
19. Show HN: Signal – Edit emails in your Gmail inbox (trysignal.com)
151 points by gsundeep on Sept 18, 2013 | 88 comments
20. RedScript – like CoffeeScript, in Ruby (github.com/adambrodzinski)
148 points by denysonique on Sept 18, 2013 | 65 comments
21. The Coral Content Distribution Network (coralcdn.org)
144 points by hrjet on Sept 18, 2013 | 43 comments
22. Just go home (medium.com/life-hacks)
141 points by neilpeel on Sept 18, 2013 | 77 comments
23. Death of an adjunct professor (post-gazette.com)
139 points by tchalla on Sept 18, 2013 | 70 comments
24. iOS 7, thoroughly reviewed (arstechnica.com)
134 points by eigenvector on Sept 18, 2013 | 111 comments
25. How to fake courage (42floors.com)
128 points by jaf12duke on Sept 18, 2013 | 42 comments
26. Introducing Trello Gold (trello.com)
127 points by Kiro on Sept 18, 2013 | 86 comments
27. No One Reads Kafka At Gitmo (medium.com/editors-picks)
125 points by nqureshi on Sept 18, 2013 | 89 comments
28. Watch how fast people are upgrading to iOS 7 (mixpanel.com)
126 points by suhail on Sept 18, 2013 | 74 comments
29. The iPhone 5S and 5C (daringfireball.net)
118 points by xenophanes on Sept 18, 2013 | 96 comments
30. Researchers can slip an undetectable trojan into Intel’s Ivy Bridge CPUS (arstechnica.com)
108 points by gabemart on Sept 18, 2013 | 31 comments

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