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Stories from July 6, 2013
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1. Venezuela offers asylum to Snowden (reuters.com)
422 points by pitiburi on July 6, 2013 | 178 comments
2. Update on Novena Open Laptop (bunniestudios.com)
361 points by irq on July 6, 2013 | 62 comments
3. Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 crashes at SFO (airliners.net)
358 points by robbiet480 on July 6, 2013 | 249 comments
4. The Strange Story of Dual_EC_DRBG – suspected NSA backdoor (2007) (schneier.com)
233 points by sfscs on July 6, 2013 | 75 comments
5. Google Correlate - Draw (google.com)
223 points by mshafrir on July 6, 2013 | 63 comments
6. Python: Common Newbie Mistakes, Part 1 (rachum.com)
171 points by Nurdok on July 6, 2013 | 83 comments
7. Using ImageMagick to make sharp web-sized photographs (even.li)
168 points by n_e on July 6, 2013 | 62 comments
8. An easy way to share files P2P, and how it works (torrentfreak.com)
175 points by shacharz on July 6, 2013 | 98 comments
9. Indescribable numbers: The theorem that made me fall in love with math (rachum.com)
163 points by cool-RR on July 6, 2013 | 84 comments
10. SpaceX's Grasshopper Successfully Flew 325 Metres (youtube.com)
156 points by cbarnsdale on July 6, 2013 | 45 comments
11. AngularJS: an Overview (glennstovall.com)
141 points by Dekku on July 6, 2013 | 23 comments
12. A 6502 emulator in Common Lisp [pdf] (redlinernotes.com)
139 points by lispm on July 6, 2013 | 19 comments
13. Self-Destructing Cookies – add-on for Firefox (addons.mozilla.org)
134 points by eridal on July 6, 2013 | 57 comments
14. Venezuela, Bolivia offer asylum to U.S. intel leaker Snowden (cnn.com)
125 points by esalazar on July 6, 2013 | 62 comments
15. Ubuntu 13.04: Getting Excited About Ubuntu Again (penguinwebdevelopment.com)
126 points by jdabgotra on July 6, 2013 | 148 comments
16. Final draft of R7RS – small Scheme standard (scheme-reports.org)
120 points by waterhouse on July 6, 2013 | 20 comments
17. Vim 7.4a ready for beta testing (groups.google.com)
116 points by jvm on July 6, 2013 | 37 comments
18. Ask HN: Intermediate Python learning resources?
113 points by jesusx on July 6, 2013 | 41 comments
19. What Is the Most Surprising Result in Mathematics? (math.stackexchange.com)
105 points by luu on July 6, 2013 | 100 comments
20. Japan: Living in an Internet Cafe (pulitzercenter.org)
104 points by Futurebot on July 6, 2013 | 46 comments
21. Lincoln’s Surveillance State (nytimes.com)
103 points by danso on July 6, 2013 | 66 comments
22. Debuggex: visual regex tester – now with PCRE (debuggex.com)
97 points by tsergiu on July 6, 2013 | 25 comments
23. Bank economists warn of disruptive threat from mobile and crowdfunding (finextra.com)
97 points by Irishsteve on July 6, 2013 | 44 comments
24. UK and Sweden veto espionage talks between US and Europe (guardian.co.uk)
99 points by mhomde on July 6, 2013 | 44 comments
25. Solar Impulse – Around the world in a solar airplane (google.com)
89 points by equilibrium on July 6, 2013 | 17 comments
26. Dockerlite: Lightweight Linux virtualization with BTRFS and LXC (github.com/dotcloud)
86 points by oellegaard on July 6, 2013 | 32 comments
27. A Change in License for Berkeley DB (meshedinsights.com)
79 points by kstaken on July 6, 2013 | 77 comments
28. Modeling How Programmers Read Code (synesthesiam.com)
73 points by joeyespo on July 6, 2013 | 34 comments
29. How to build a model to distinguish tweets about Apple and apples (stackoverflow.com)
73 points by polemic on July 6, 2013 | 13 comments
30. Why are underground parking garages hot? (law.harvard.edu)
68 points by soundsop on July 6, 2013 | 59 comments

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