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Stories from June 12, 2013
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31. NSA surveillance retrospective: AT&T, Verizon never denied it (cnet.com)
103 points by declan on June 12, 2013 | 19 comments
32. Distributed data structures with Coq (christophermeiklejohn.com)
97 points by cmeiklejohn on June 12, 2013 | 24 comments
33. Retina Mac External display problem (github.com/oyiptong)
96 points by sayhello on June 12, 2013 | 39 comments
34. Fun with JavaScript Arrays (mikota.cz)
95 points by bubersson on June 12, 2013 | 33 comments
35. Edward Snowden talks to South China Morning Post (scmp.com)
94 points by Libertatea on June 12, 2013 | 11 comments
36. "Let America Be America Again" by Langston Hughes (1935) (poets.org)
91 points by mksm on June 12, 2013 | 4 comments
37. NSA leaker Edward Snowden: U.S. targets China with hackers (washingtonpost.com)
93 points by zwieback on June 12, 2013 | 94 comments
38. Clojure Cookbook is now accepting contributions (clojure-cookbook.com)
83 points by rkneufeld on June 12, 2013 | 27 comments
39. The problem with GNOME 3 (felipec.wordpress.com)
76 points by felipec on June 12, 2013 | 68 comments
40. Help HN: Does anyone need a programmer for the next two days?
74 points by _1tch on June 12, 2013 | 48 comments
41. Everything I Know about Self-Publishing (hackpad.com)
74 points by kofman on June 12, 2013 | 20 comments
42. FOIAing the NSA: What you can get, what you can't and where to start (muckrock.com)
73 points by morisy on June 12, 2013 | 3 comments
43. Custom SSL Domain Names and Root Domain Hosting for Amazon CloudFront (aws.typepad.com)
69 points by mattyb on June 12, 2013 | 29 comments
44. CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell Retires (npr.org)
68 points by zwtaylor on June 12, 2013 | 16 comments
45. Files and folders (jansen.co)
70 points by ukd1 on June 12, 2013 | 148 comments
46. Brooks, Friedman, and the banal authoritarianism of do-something punditry (2011) (reason.com)
62 points by a5seo on June 12, 2013 | 4 comments
47. Patent US7779046 - Web server and method to provide web-pages to manage devices (google.com)
60 points by toni on June 12, 2013 | 31 comments
48. Kenya May Be Primed For Wide-Scale Bitcoin Adoption (thegenesisblock.com)
59 points by cgi_man on June 12, 2013 | 37 comments
49. Font Awesome 3.2 Released – 58 new icons, SCSS support, many new brand icons (fortawesome.github.com)
57 points by fortawesome on June 12, 2013 | 28 comments
50. Decentralizing Trillian (trillian.im)
55 points by jamaicahest on June 12, 2013 | 34 comments
51. Demand change, transparency and accountability - Cozy as viable alternative (cozycloud.cc)
57 points by DaddyDuck on June 12, 2013 | 13 comments
52. Working remotely and the tools that make it possible (braidapp.com)
48 points by mp3jeep01 on June 12, 2013 | 18 comments
53. 3d running horse simulation using particles (empaempa.github.io)
48 points by ayx on June 12, 2013 | 30 comments
54. Facebook now has clickable hashtags (fb.com)
52 points by 6chars on June 12, 2013 | 55 comments
55. Obama's Speech at Woodrow Wilson Center (2007) (randomfoo.net)
43 points by lubujackson on June 12, 2013 | 4 comments
56. Spies Like Us: How We All Helped Build Prism (businessweek.com)
44 points by mxfh on June 12, 2013 | 5 comments
57. The decline and fall of IBM (cringely.com)
44 points by rdudekul on June 12, 2013 | 45 comments
58. Dilute PRISM – Use Open Source Alternatives (truelogy.wordpress.com)
40 points by neology on June 12, 2013 | 48 comments
59. Yahoo resetting usernames that have been inactive for over 12 months (yahoo.tumblr.com)
38 points by publicfig on June 12, 2013 | 57 comments
60. GitHub was down (status.github.com)
39 points by pegler on June 12, 2013 | 26 comments

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