31. | | Building a toy template engine in Python (alexmic.net) |
76 points by alexmic on April 11, 2013 | 12 comments
32. | | Ask HN: How can I make an extra 30-50k a year? |
75 points by jman1 on April 11, 2013 | 91 comments
33. | | No Company For Old Programmers (blogaborty.blogspot.in) |
74 points by tathagata on April 11, 2013 | 105 comments
34. | | #FF4A00 (mikeknoop.com) |
76 points by WadeF on April 11, 2013 | 42 comments
35. | | How we implemented find-on-page with infinite scroll (streak.com) |
72 points by OmarIsmail on April 11, 2013 | 11 comments
36. | | Why I have issues with Mark Zuckerberg’s FWD.us (gigaom.com) |
67 points by ssclafani on April 11, 2013 | 42 comments
37. | | A quick message queue benchmark: ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, HornetQ, QPID, Apollo (x-aeon.com) |
64 points by liotier on April 11, 2013 | 44 comments
38. | | Problems in Education (lesswrong.com) |
63 points by JumpCrisscross on April 11, 2013 | 16 comments
39. | | Sqwiggle Makes Working Remotely Less Lonely, More Awesome (techcrunch.com) |
63 points by ceeK on April 11, 2013 | 37 comments
40. | | Hydrogel process developed at Stanford creates transparent brain (stanford.edu) |
63 points by theoutlander on April 11, 2013 | 11 comments
41. | | Plan To Create Another Copyright-Like Right For Hollywood (techdirt.com) |
64 points by Sambdala on April 11, 2013 | 10 comments
42. | | Foursquare: An Ads Business With a Dying Product Hook (jasonshah.org) |
61 points by jason_shah on April 11, 2013 | 39 comments
43. | | Designing a modern email (postmarkapp.com) |
60 points by efedorenko on April 11, 2013 | 66 comments
44. | | Tunnel vision 3D CSS experiment (codepen.io) |
59 points by fiepw on April 11, 2013 | 16 comments
45. | | Join the tech community in passing immigration reform (fwd.us) |
56 points by sethbannon on April 11, 2013 | 65 comments
46. | | Defaulting to hire on credentials will put you out of business (carlosmiceli.com) |
56 points by paulovsk on April 11, 2013 | 48 comments
47. | | Crowdfunding Pinto (perl.org) |
55 points by ajaymehta on April 11, 2013 | 11 comments
48. | | A beginner's guide to setting up Python on Windows (datanitro.com) |
52 points by karamazov on April 11, 2013 | 53 comments
49. | | How to learn a language from your news feed (and win a Facebook hackathon) (quizlet.com) |
50 points by oni0n56 on April 11, 2013 | 19 comments
50. | | Google Wants To Operate .Search As A “Dotless” Domain (techcrunch.com) |
48 points by seminatore on April 11, 2013 | 43 comments
51. | | Jack Of No Trade (ratsimihah.com) |
48 points by bluepanda_ on April 11, 2013 | 50 comments
52. | | As MtGox trading remains suspended, bitcoin price falls from $160 to $60 (bitcoinity.org) |
48 points by gabemart on April 11, 2013 | 85 comments
53. | | No comment (jshakespeare.com) |
51 points by jshakes on April 11, 2013 | 45 comments
54. | | How Optimizely Is Improving Website Personalization [video] (bloomberg.com) |
49 points by pg on April 11, 2013 | 4 comments
55. | | Collaborative chat done right (jabbr.net) |
48 points by fekberg on April 11, 2013 | 52 comments
56. | | Face detection for cats in JavaScript (github.com/harthur) |
51 points by fbeeper on April 11, 2013 | 26 comments
57. | | PC sales plunge, Microsoft and Windows 8 blamed (seattletimes.com) |
46 points by gtani on April 11, 2013 | 53 comments
58. | | Student Hackers: DO NOT Intern...BUILD. (aashaykumar.com) |
42 points by aashaykumar92 on April 11, 2013 | 53 comments
59. | | Show HN: Analytics / CRM hybrid (dailycred.com) |
45 points by nostromo on April 11, 2013 | 9 comments
60. | | The Api Paradox (jacquesmattheij.com) |
43 points by DanielRibeiro on April 11, 2013 | 41 comments
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