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Stories from September 12, 2012
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31. Vinod Khosla: “I Feel Sad Sometimes For YC Companies That Get So Much Hype” (techcrunch.com)
89 points by salimmadjd on Sept 12, 2012 | 35 comments
32. Tmpfs considered harmful (rwmj.wordpress.com)
89 points by rwmj on Sept 12, 2012 | 81 comments
33. Computer Crime, Then and Now (codinghorror.com)
85 points by willvarfar on Sept 12, 2012 | 14 comments
34. Go At Conformal (cyphertite.com)
86 points by luriel on Sept 12, 2012 | 42 comments
35. "Watchmen" As a Primer on Mental Disorder (codinginmysleep.com)
80 points by enmaku on Sept 12, 2012 | 53 comments
36. Mozilla juices Firefox's JavaScript with IonMonkey (cnet.com)
81 points by iProject on Sept 12, 2012 | 31 comments
37. Quora Co-Founder Charlie Cheever Steps Back From Day-To-Day Role At The Company (techcrunch.com)
77 points by relation on Sept 12, 2012 | 41 comments
38. Fast integer compression: decoding billions of integers per second (lemire.me)
71 points by ColinWright on Sept 12, 2012 | 10 comments
39. Web Fonts Performance: Making Pretty, Fast (igvita.com)
68 points by igrigorik on Sept 12, 2012 | 51 comments
40. EC2 Reserved Instance Marketplace (aws.typepad.com)
62 points by jeffbarr on Sept 12, 2012 | 36 comments
41. Creative Web Typography Styles (tympanus.net)
63 points by pbotelho on Sept 12, 2012 | 3 comments
42. PayPal Rewards Some Users by Promising It Won't Hold Their Funds (thenextweb.com)
58 points by iProject on Sept 12, 2012 | 34 comments
43. 500 Million Android devices activated globally (plus.google.com)
55 points by martythemaniak on Sept 12, 2012 | 16 comments
44. Apple's iPhone launches no longer excite (bbc.co.uk)
54 points by timmillwood on Sept 12, 2012 | 57 comments
45. Clang Static Analyzer checker-268 adds interprocedural analysis for C++ and ObjC (llvm.org)
54 points by lilyball on Sept 12, 2012 | 4 comments
46. Show HN: A better way to find films to watch on Netflix (goodfil.ms)
53 points by geelen on Sept 12, 2012 | 44 comments
47. Static Asset Compilation (autoref.com)
48 points by autoref on Sept 12, 2012 | 39 comments
48. Minimal Ring Alarm Clock for Couples (mmminimal.com)
45 points by dyscrete on Sept 12, 2012 | 41 comments
49. Scaling out Postgres, Part 2: Routing (petrohi.me)
46 points by craigkerstiens on Sept 12, 2012
50. Apple Keynote video for iPhone5 introduction is live (apple.com)
38 points by MikeCapone on Sept 12, 2012 | 50 comments
51. Copyright to Class Notes: Do Students Own the Copyright to Their Notes? (kunvay.com)
39 points by reggiecasual on Sept 12, 2012 | 19 comments
52. The Midwest Approach - Lessons from the CEO of Answers.com (dylanized.com)
36 points by dylanhassinger on Sept 12, 2012 | 17 comments
53. "The End of Silicon Valley" Is Nonsense (eladgil.com)
37 points by eladgil on Sept 12, 2012 | 52 comments
54. Show HN: An easier way to manage beta tests & get insightful feedback (userdiary.com)
40 points by awo on Sept 12, 2012 | 14 comments
55. Code Substitution Done Right - Switch.vim (vimninjas.com)
37 points by vesln on Sept 12, 2012 | 12 comments
56. Collected Talks from MIT Collective Intelligence 2012 Conference (cci.mit.edu)
35 points by kf on Sept 12, 2012 | 3 comments
57. Ask HN: How have you been celebrating programmer's day?
34 points by gamebit07 on Sept 12, 2012 | 41 comments
58. Nerf guns don't matter (mikecr.it)
31 points by mcrittenden on Sept 12, 2012 | 54 comments
59. Afghanistan bans YouTube over anti-Islam film | The Australian (theaustralian.com.au)
31 points by jnazario on Sept 12, 2012 | 40 comments
60. A Little Bit of PGP History (novainfosecportal.com)
30 points by grecs on Sept 12, 2012 | 11 comments

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