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Stories from May 3, 2012
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31. A view’s responsibility — a lesson on JavaScript and the DOM (bekk.no)
70 points by kjbekkelund on May 3, 2012 | 13 comments
32. Announcing Better SSL for your Heroku App (heroku.com)
69 points by bgentry on May 3, 2012 | 19 comments
33. Arduino Burglar Alarm Sends SMS (github.com/mattwilliamson)
61 points by aimatt on May 3, 2012 | 34 comments
34. Slideshare acquired by LinkedIn (marketwatch.com)
58 points by gary4gar on May 3, 2012 | 7 comments
35. Two Phase Spam: Spammers that Impressed Me (ezliu.com)
54 points by michael_fine on May 3, 2012 | 30 comments
36. Behind a Backend-as-a-Service Provider: The How and Why of Our Architecture. (spire.io)
56 points by spladow on May 3, 2012 | 32 comments
37. Europe's space program heads to Jupiter (dw.de)
52 points by Tomis02 on May 3, 2012 | 20 comments
38. Herb Sutter confirms no more support for C beyond C90 in Visual C++ (herbsutter.com)
49 points by pjmlp on May 3, 2012 | 47 comments
39. Programming languages 'do not enjoy copyright protection,' EU court says (cnet.com)
46 points by potomak on May 3, 2012 | 7 comments
40. Analyst, measure thyself (noblemail.ca)
46 points by wvanbergen on May 3, 2012 | 4 comments
41. JS performance: try / catch versus checking for undefined (jsperf.com)
43 points by ianox on May 3, 2012 | 26 comments
42. Show HN: Boost your productivity with Trello, Hipchat and Github (needforair.com)
46 points by louischatriot on May 3, 2012 | 20 comments
43. Internet Explorer with WebGL (mrdoob.com)
40 points by mariuz on May 3, 2012 | 9 comments
44. CSS to Less (css2less.cc)
40 points by heroic on May 3, 2012 | 14 comments
45. The Game Engine Dating Guide: How to Pick up an Engine for Single Developers (learn-cocos2d.com)
39 points by ukdm on May 3, 2012 | 21 comments
46. Learn to Code in 3 Months—or Less (thedailymuse.com)
37 points by MMcCreery on May 3, 2012 | 31 comments
47. Facebook to Set I.P.O. Price Range at $28 to $35 (nytimes.com)
37 points by sew on May 3, 2012 | 31 comments
48. Making the Web Faster with HTTP 2 Protocol (phpclasses.org)
35 points by rvavruch on May 3, 2012 | 19 comments
49. Codeable Objects (media.mit.edu)
32 points by eskimoblood on May 3, 2012 | 1 comment
50. SendHub (YC W12) Launches iPhone App (techcrunch.com)
32 points by ashrust on May 3, 2012 | 1 comment
51. Show HN: Find days out near you in the UK (daysoutnear.me)
31 points by _ompc on May 3, 2012 | 33 comments
52. Scott Forstall sells 95% of his vested AAPL shares (cnn.com)
30 points by frankiewarren on May 3, 2012 | 10 comments
53. The dangers of relying on startup steroids (theverge.com)
30 points by cienrak on May 3, 2012 | 11 comments
54. Hilary Mason: From Tiny Links, Big Insights (businessweek.com)
28 points by booticon on May 3, 2012
55. Browse man pages in style with your personal manservant (github.com/jimeh)
26 points by jimeh on May 3, 2012 | 11 comments
56. Startups, Beanbags, Earthquakes, and Fires (darineich.com)
26 points by justinwi on May 3, 2012 | 4 comments
57. Entrepreneurs Shouldn't Pitch Their Ideas To Venture Capitalists (forbes.com/sites/johngreathouse)
26 points by mollylynn on May 3, 2012 | 5 comments
58. Tips for Python & Django on Heroku, Testing, and more from a RoR developer (beyondfog.com)
25 points by sbronstein on May 3, 2012 | 1 comment
59. Patching the Internet (jgc.org)
25 points by jgrahamc on May 3, 2012 | 11 comments
60. "HTML7 magic" on Facebook (jasonbos.co)
24 points by jabo on May 3, 2012 | 5 comments

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