61. | | Open Web, Closed Content: A Grumpy, Frustrated Rant (thenextweb.com) |
10 points by iProject on April 14, 2012
62. | | Former FDIC Chair: Fix income inequality with $10 million loans for everyone (washingtonpost.com) |
10 points by cs702 on April 14, 2012 | 4 comments
63. | | Show HN: using Backbone to make multiselects useful (swizec.github.com) |
13 points by Swizec on April 14, 2012 | 11 comments
64. | | PlatformLayer adds Solr-as-a-service, 1 day after AWS CloudSearch launch (justinsb.com) |
11 points by justinsb on April 14, 2012 | 5 comments
65. | | Señor Developer (spreadshirt.net) |
9 points by tomblomfield on April 14, 2012 | 3 comments
66. | | WordPress Dominates Blogs, But Squarespace is Gunning For It With Version 6 (pandodaily.com) |
9 points by wmeredith on April 14, 2012 | 8 comments
67. | | Ask HN: ratio of unit/functional tests to monitoring checks |
9 points by garethr on April 14, 2012 | 4 comments
68. | | Entrepreneurs should listen to rap music (arbor.posterous.com) |
9 points by zmitri on April 14, 2012 | 7 comments
69. | | It’s Not A Bubble, It’s Valleywood (techcrunch.com) |
8 points by msbii on April 14, 2012
70. | | Want to work at Google? Answer these questions (wired.co.uk) |
8 points by stevenj on April 14, 2012 | 3 comments
71. | | Twitter Upset about Facebook-Instagram Acquisition (venturelevel.com) |
8 points by alwillis on April 14, 2012 | 2 comments
72. | | Valve: How I Got Here, What It’s Like, and What I’m Doing (valvesoftware.com) |
8 points by shawndumas on April 14, 2012 | 1 comment
73. | | Netflix never used its $1 million algorithm due to engineering costs (arstechnica.com) |
7 points by pitdesi on April 14, 2012 | 1 comment
74. | | Emberjs vs Knockoutjs (bootstraptoday.com) |
7 points by anandagarwal on April 14, 2012 | 2 comments
75. | | The richer sex (nytimes.com) |
7 points by bootload on April 14, 2012 | 1 comment
76. | | Little boy lost finds his mother using Google Earth (bbc.co.uk) |
7 points by equilibrium on April 14, 2012
77. | | How To Win At State Fair Games (artofmanliness.com) |
7 points by relaunched on April 14, 2012
78. | | Mike Wallace interviews Ayn Rand (1959) (ritholtz.com) |
6 points by wslh on April 14, 2012 | 4 comments
79. | | Ask HN: Are there any mature HTML5/canvas libraries? |
7 points by CJefferson on April 14, 2012 | 4 comments
80. | | The Campaign For Real Monopoly (criticalmiss.com) |
6 points by soundsop on April 14, 2012 | 1 comment
81. | | Create New File in Finder. A script for Alfred App (ianisted.co.uk) |
6 points by icisted on April 14, 2012 | 6 comments
82. | | Can You Copyright a Programming Language? Google and Oracle Set to Find Out (wired.com) |
6 points by leejw00t354 on April 14, 2012 | 5 comments
83. | | Introducing PasswordLib - A Library for hashing passwords in PHP (ircmaxell.com) |
6 points by ircmaxell on April 14, 2012
84. | | Why Facebook terrifies Google (readwriteweb.com) |
6 points by fromedome on April 14, 2012
85. | | David Foster Wallace on Life and Work: Stay Conscious (wsj.com) |
5 points by georgecmu on April 14, 2012 | 2 comments
86. | | BitTorrent Inventor Bram Cohen On BitTorrent’s Future (torrentfreak.com) |
5 points by ashishgandhi on April 14, 2012
87. | | Children’s memories: Toddlers remember better than you think. (slate.com) |
5 points by jamesbritt on April 14, 2012
88. | | Ask HN: Has anyone seen any realtime Python IDE? |
5 points by samzhao on April 14, 2012 | 2 comments
89. | | Google's official app market found hosting malicious Android apps—again (arstechnica.com) |
5 points by Suraj-Sun on April 14, 2012 | 1 comment
90. | | Bitten by the maker bug: one man's first steps with Arduino (arstechnica.com) |
5 points by nsns on April 14, 2012
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