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Stories from January 21, 2012
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31. BASH autocomplete for SSH (sricola.com)
62 points by DanielRibeiro on Jan 21, 2012 | 29 comments
32. Strcpycat (byuu.org)
61 points by jhack on Jan 21, 2012 | 29 comments
33. Killing Hollywood Will Require Learning Hollywood’s Game (pandodaily.com)
59 points by FredBrach on Jan 21, 2012 | 24 comments
34. Google Web Fonts Families (somadesign.ca)
54 points by tilt on Jan 21, 2012 | 10 comments
35. Pictos Icon Font Server (pictos.cc)
53 points by enra on Jan 21, 2012 | 20 comments
36. Dusk, Dawn, and High Noon - The coming New World (rand.org)
50 points by FluidDjango on Jan 21, 2012 | 6 comments
37. Show HN: Scholastica, Academic Journal Publishing Platform & Scholarly Community
50 points by robertwalsh0 on Jan 21, 2012 | 20 comments
38. Google, Good to Know (jnorthrop.tumblr.com)
46 points by jnorthrop on Jan 21, 2012 | 8 comments
39. Copyrights: Feds push a few novel theories in MegaUpload case (latimes.com)
38 points by eplanit on Jan 21, 2012 | 15 comments
40. Wreck a Movie: Collaborative film making in practice. (wreckamovie.com)
36 points by burgerbrain on Jan 21, 2012 | 4 comments
41. Turn your idea into an experience - Part 1 (joshrweinstein.com)
38 points by joshwprinceton on Jan 21, 2012 | 6 comments
42. The week the web changed Washington (oreilly.com)
35 points by DanielRibeiro on Jan 21, 2012 | 13 comments
43. '05 Annual Performance Review: Albert Einstein (norvig.com)
33 points by llambda on Jan 21, 2012 | 3 comments
44. Union Sq ventures to lead $10m investment in Dwolla (betabeat.com)
32 points by asanwal on Jan 21, 2012 | 18 comments
45. A nifty collection of resources for Indie Game Developers (pixelprospector.com)
31 points by tilt on Jan 21, 2012
46. Stanford NLP and PGM courses delayed (deepankar.posterous.com)
31 points by dman on Jan 21, 2012 | 12 comments
47. Antipiracy Case Sends Shivers Through Some Legitimate Storage Sites (nytimes.com)
30 points by bcn on Jan 21, 2012 | 4 comments
48. Anonymous Tricks Bystanders Into Attacking Justice Department (wired.com)
28 points by joejohnson on Jan 21, 2012 | 3 comments
49. HTML5 Developers Dominate at the Facebook Hackathons (citygridmedia.com)
26 points by citygrid on Jan 21, 2012 | 6 comments
50. Windows 8 Store : User Experience Preview (browserfame.com)
22 points by twapi on Jan 21, 2012 | 2 comments
51. How to use Oracle JDK bundled tools to solve Java OutOfMemoryError (plumbr.eu)
23 points by priitp on Jan 21, 2012 | 1 comment
52. US Authorities Silence NinjaVideo Founder, Rush Her to Prison (torrentfreak.com)
20 points by m_for_monkey on Jan 21, 2012 | 1 comment
53. Sign this petition to investigate MPAA for bribery (whitehouse.gov)
19 points by nextparadigms on Jan 21, 2012 | 3 comments
54. Mozilla's new systems programming language hits first release (rust-lang.org)
19 points by thristian on Jan 21, 2012
55. Robert Bennett to represent Megaupload (wjla.com)
17 points by spdy on Jan 21, 2012
56. All Stanford Online courses delayed until further notice. (heypasteit.com)
15 points by iamabhi9 on Jan 21, 2012 | 10 comments
57. Groupon acquires Mertado (YC W10) (mertado.com)
14 points by kola on Jan 21, 2012 | 1 comment
58. Will It Shuffle? (ocks.org)
16 points by mbostock on Jan 21, 2012 | 3 comments
59. Paulo Coelho on S.O.P.A.: unite and pirate everything I’ve ever written (paulocoelhoblog.com)
13 points by tilt on Jan 21, 2012
60. Mozilla's Rust v0.1 is out (github.com/mozilla)
12 points by octoploid on Jan 21, 2012

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