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Stories from November 30, 2011
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1. Secret app on millions of phones logs key taps (theregister.co.uk)
700 points by thomasjoulin on Nov 30, 2011 | 189 comments
2. Amit Gupta hasn't found a marrow transplant match; today's your last chance. (amitguptaneedsyou.com)
652 points by ryanwhitney on Nov 30, 2011 | 234 comments
3. Show HN: Entire concerts algorithmically "reconstructed" from YouTube videos (switchcam.com)
435 points by brettwelch on Nov 30, 2011 | 129 comments
4. Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming (arcsynthesis.org)
400 points by julian37 on Nov 30, 2011 | 51 comments
5. The mental gymnastics involved in having a high security clearance. (motherjones.com)
260 points by pavel_lishin on Nov 30, 2011 | 150 comments
6. You'll be dead soon - Carpe Diem (steveblank.com)
215 points by Maro on Nov 30, 2011 | 41 comments
7. US Road Fatalities 2001-09 mapped with OpenStreetMap (itoworld.com)
207 points by harrylove on Nov 30, 2011 | 100 comments
8. IOS App Store Submission Checklist - anything else to add? (ontestpad.com)
201 points by stefanbutlin on Nov 30, 2011 | 72 comments
9. The Rest of the Story (Yammer & Scala) (codahale.com)
198 points by pbreit on Nov 30, 2011 | 60 comments
10. Why Hypercard Had to Die (loper-os.org)
184 points by uros643 on Nov 30, 2011 | 140 comments
11. Researcher shows how to "friend" anyone on Facebook within 24 hours (arstechnica.com)
169 points by evo_9 on Nov 30, 2011 | 58 comments
12. Music artist: "Why I prefer piracy to Spotify" (derekwebb.tumblr.com)
160 points by e03179 on Nov 30, 2011 | 103 comments
13. Postgresql 9.2 will have boat-loads of performance enhancements (momjian.us)
156 points by xyzzyrz on Nov 30, 2011 | 27 comments
14. Opensource tool to create slowmotion videos from your footage
149 points by mars on Nov 30, 2011 | 15 comments
15. Researcher’s Video Shows Software on Millions of Phones Logging Everything (wired.com)
148 points by ssclafani on Nov 30, 2011 | 36 comments
16. Making Coffeescript’s Whitespace More Significant (github.com/raganwald)
143 points by raganwald on Nov 30, 2011 | 91 comments
17. The node.js aesthetic (substack.net)
136 points by substack on Nov 30, 2011 | 76 comments
18. Only fast languages are interesting (scottlocklin.wordpress.com)
130 points by spindritf on Nov 30, 2011 | 86 comments
19. Move The Web Forward (movethewebforward.org)
126 points by necolas on Nov 30, 2011 | 19 comments
20. Moving on from Rails (broadcastingadam.com)
122 points by michaelty on Nov 30, 2011 | 53 comments
21. A Google Patent mentions my prior art (cmdrtaco.net)
114 points by cmdrtaco on Nov 30, 2011 | 22 comments
22. Patient sues dentist over gag order, gets Medical Justice to backtrack (arstechnica.com)
110 points by binarybits on Nov 30, 2011 | 31 comments
23. Show HN: Slowy app, Real-world connection simulator and bandwidth limiter (slowyapp.com)
104 points by potomak on Nov 30, 2011 | 32 comments
24. House votes to end country limits for skilled workers seeking green cards (washingtonpost.com)
101 points by incosta on Nov 30, 2011 | 45 comments
25. The PC is dead. Why no angry nerds? (futureoftheinternet.org)
98 points by pauljonas on Nov 30, 2011 | 123 comments
26. Kendo UI is out of beta (kendoui.com)
98 points by tnajdek on Nov 30, 2011 | 51 comments
27. Rich Hickey: STMs vs Locks [2008] (azulsystems.com)
94 points by DanielRibeiro on Nov 30, 2011 | 17 comments
28. The Apologies of Zuckerberg: A Restrospective (allthingsd.com)
84 points by apu on Nov 30, 2011 | 36 comments
29. It Could Be Old Age, or It Could Be Low B12 (nytimes.com)
83 points by ern on Nov 30, 2011 | 26 comments
30. Why are entrepreneurs leaving the U.S.? (inc.com)
81 points by mchafkin on Nov 30, 2011 | 67 comments

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