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Stories from September 26, 2011
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31. High-Resolution Mandelbrot in Obfuscated Python (preshing.com)
86 points by Garbage on Sept 26, 2011 | 12 comments
32. 747s as flying Unix hosts: SCADA in the sky (boingboing.net)
77 points by michaelzhao on Sept 26, 2011 | 18 comments
33. Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS (smacss.com)
76 points by jcsalterego on Sept 26, 2011 | 16 comments
34. Joe Hewitt - What the web is and is not (joehewitt.com)
72 points by riledhel on Sept 26, 2011 | 32 comments
35. 68% of the Fortune 100 are Clueless (cloudability.com)
71 points by stormental on Sept 26, 2011 | 27 comments
36. Facebook’s iPad App Has Been Done Since May, But They Won’t Release It (techcrunch.com)
64 points by aaronbrethorst on Sept 26, 2011 | 24 comments
37. Tumblr Lands $85 Million in Funding (nytimes.com)
62 points by revorad on Sept 26, 2011 | 50 comments
38. Why aren't you building your startup for early adopters? (humbledmba.com)
61 points by jaf12duke on Sept 26, 2011 | 17 comments
39. Minimum Viable Pants (minimumviablepants.com)
60 points by domino on Sept 26, 2011 | 6 comments
40. Scheme vs. Commmon Lisp (greenspun.com)
60 points by ekm2 on Sept 26, 2011 | 25 comments
41. Show HN: Pytroj - Infect .pyc files (github.com/jgeralnik)
53 points by jgeralnik on Sept 26, 2011 | 20 comments
42. Today is Petrov Day (lesswrong.com)
51 points by gwern on Sept 26, 2011
43. A Brief History of the Brain (newscientist.com)
49 points by epenn on Sept 26, 2011 | 3 comments
44. Will Robots Steal Your Job? (slate.com)
47 points by tokenadult on Sept 26, 2011 | 60 comments
45. Idiot's guide to viewports and media queries (docs.google.com)
47 points by aqrashik on Sept 26, 2011
46. Hacker News Cologne Meetup on Sep 28th (meetup.com)
42 points by blacktar on Sept 26, 2011 | 34 comments
47. Pirate Service Makes Textbook Rentals Last Forever (torrentfreak.com)
40 points by patrickk on Sept 26, 2011 | 8 comments
48. SpaceX is Building a Vertical Take of and Landing, Reusable Launch Vehicle (nasawatch.com)
40 points by FrojoS on Sept 26, 2011 | 13 comments
49. Reflecting on my Summer at 500Startups (tawheedkader.com)
38 points by iisbum on Sept 26, 2011 | 6 comments
50. Blink 182 + SimpleGeo + Soundcloud = Listen to new album with people nearby (blink182.com)
32 points by emilepetrone on Sept 26, 2011 | 4 comments
51. Why I'm launching a (paid) newsletter about daily tech news.
32 points by freshfey on Sept 26, 2011 | 40 comments
52. How to define custom, colored labels (like TODO) in VIM (dtuite.github.com)
31 points by pabloIMO on Sept 26, 2011 | 3 comments
53. How to attract a top hacker... (NOT) (djangohire.com)
29 points by reinhardt on Sept 26, 2011 | 22 comments
54. What to expect in OpenBSD 5.0 onwards (bsdly.blogspot.com)
29 points by yankcrime on Sept 26, 2011 | 8 comments
55. Celebrity (or: how I met my Internet friends) (marco.org)
30 points by iamclovin on Sept 26, 2011
56. The Elementals (angryrobotzombie.com)
28 points by raju on Sept 26, 2011 | 7 comments
57. 10 amazing Android tips (netmagazine.com)
28 points by ahdanielsan on Sept 26, 2011 | 5 comments
58. Speaker Deck is open to the public (speakerdeck.com)
28 points by garrettdimon on Sept 26, 2011 | 10 comments
59. Did Netflix screw up? I don’t think so. (marcrandolph.com)
24 points by taylorbuley on Sept 26, 2011 | 2 comments
60. A Few Million Monkeys Randomly Recreate Shakespeare (jesse-anderson.com)
24 points by zalew on Sept 26, 2011 | 5 comments

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