31. | | CompCert - Compilers you can formally trust (inria.fr) |
32 points by evangineer on June 4, 2011 | 28 comments
32. | | “Anyone can start a Groupon” and other startup myths (andrewchenblog.com) |
32 points by cynusx on June 4, 2011 | 21 comments
33. | | Chapter on Mercurial in the book "Architecture of Open Source Applications" (aosabook.org) |
29 points by srean on June 4, 2011 | 2 comments
34. | | An Executable Semantics for C is Useful (regehr.org) |
27 points by evangineer on June 4, 2011 | 4 comments
35. | | Syrian Internet Restored, Dramatic Footage Emerges [video] (mashable.com) |
27 points by Osiris on June 4, 2011 | 7 comments
36. | | Simulating visual artifacts with Fourier optics (sigfpe.com) |
26 points by dons on June 4, 2011 | 1 comment
37. | | Review my socket game app: Kwissle (kwissle.com) |
25 points by peterbe on June 4, 2011 | 23 comments
38. | | Investing In The Cultural Revolution (avc.com) |
24 points by dabent on June 4, 2011 | 3 comments
39. | | Spirit obit (nasa.gov) |
23 points by motters on June 4, 2011 | 7 comments
40. | | Instead of Student Loans, Investing in Student Futures (nytimes.com) |
22 points by robg on June 4, 2011 | 12 comments
41. | | ChaiScript - Easy to use scripting for C++ (chaiscript.com) |
18 points by evangineer on June 4, 2011 | 10 comments
42. | | Why Rails 3.1 Streaming means you still have to think about your HEAD (mcdowall.info) |
16 points by MrMcDowall on June 4, 2011 | 2 comments
43. | | What if Apple and Twitter merged? (scripting.com) |
16 points by davewiner on June 4, 2011 | 10 comments
44. | | Hiring mathematicians? |
16 points by throwaway002 on June 4, 2011 | 5 comments
45. | | Nikki and the Robots 0.3 is out - Haskell-based open source game (joyridelabs.de) |
14 points by dons on June 4, 2011 | 1 comment
46. | | Ask HN: pros and cons of running multiple startups (webapps) under one LLC? |
13 points by bgg on June 4, 2011 | 7 comments
47. | | Do junior development/design jobs exist anymore? Can't find work. |
13 points by baggins on June 4, 2011 | 6 comments
48. | | Bank of America Gets Pad Locked After Homeowner Forecloses On It (digtriad.com) |
13 points by scg on June 4, 2011 | 3 comments
49. | | Delia Derbyshire - Sculptress of Sound (youtu.be) |
12 points by motters on June 4, 2011
50. | | Ask HN: What's the point of mandatory schooling? |
13 points by diminium on June 4, 2011 | 7 comments
51. | | Dear Apple: Go big with Siri and Nuance in iOS 5 (xconomy.com) |
11 points by waderoush on June 4, 2011 | 5 comments
52. | | Open Access research API (plos.org) |
11 points by czDev on June 4, 2011
53. | | Find everywhere you can go in 15 minutes or less (flowingdata.com) |
10 points by robg on June 4, 2011 | 2 comments
54. | | Tree data structures in Haskell for parallel reduction operations (conal.net) |
10 points by keveman on June 4, 2011
55. | | Search for Hacker News sister site, Arc Forum (evanrmurphy.com) |
9 points by evanrmurphy on June 4, 2011 | 4 comments
56. | | Chinese teenager 'sells kidney to buy iPad and iPhone' (bbc.co.uk) |
9 points by ignifero on June 4, 2011 | 6 comments
57. | | Suspension, Ban or Hellban? (codinghorror.com) |
9 points by blasdel on June 4, 2011 | 1 comment
58. | | Ask HN: Bootstrapped startup 'forced' to spend $10k. How? |
9 points by throwaway1267 on June 4, 2011 | 15 comments
59. | | Suggestion for HN: Timeless Posts |
9 points by Jarred on June 4, 2011 | 6 comments
60. | | Chrome And Safari Challenge Firefox For #2 (conceivablytech.com) |
8 points by peternorton on June 4, 2011 | 3 comments
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