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Stories from April 1, 2011
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31. Massive SQL injection attack making the rounds—694K URLs so far (arstechnica.com)
57 points by markgx on April 1, 2011 | 20 comments
32. The scale of the universe, and everything (ovni-alerte.com)
56 points by moblivu on April 1, 2011 | 17 comments
33. Fukushima Fallout Reaches San Francisco (technologyreview.com)
51 points by _pius on April 1, 2011 | 74 comments
34. Subtle Google easter egg (google.com)
51 points by ck2 on April 1, 2011 | 25 comments
35. Facebook Terminated Corporate Development Employee Over Insider Trading Scandal (techcrunch.com)
45 points by ssclafani on April 1, 2011 | 27 comments
36. Improving SSL certificate security (googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com)
42 points by yanw on April 1, 2011 | 13 comments
37. Speed tests for *json and cPickle in Python (j2labs.tumblr.com)
40 points by j2d2j2d2 on April 1, 2011 | 21 comments
38. IQ, Income and Wealth (super-economy.blogspot.com)
40 points by yummyfajitas on April 1, 2011 | 43 comments
39. Urban Airship Revenge: 8-bit April Fools' gaming goodness (urbanairship.com)
40 points by turoczy on April 1, 2011 | 8 comments
40. Calacanis Combinator (calacaniscombinator.com)
38 points by _6kat on April 1, 2011 | 14 comments
41. Every Day, I Try To Get Rejected (techcrunch.com)
39 points by thankuz on April 1, 2011 | 10 comments
42. Google is hiring autocompleters (google.com)
37 points by rpbertp13 on April 1, 2011 | 11 comments
43. COLOURlovers Goes Colorless for April Fools (colourlovers.com)
32 points by dariusmonsef on April 1, 2011 | 6 comments
44. Soundcloud launches customization feature. rips off geocities (soundcloud.com)
38 points by purzelrakete on April 1, 2011 | 5 comments
45. Ifttt / If This Then That, killer UI, great service (ifttt.com)
33 points by lolizbak on April 1, 2011 | 18 comments
46. RFC 6214 - Adaptation of RFC 1149 for IPv6 (ietf.org)
31 points by mpwarres on April 1, 2011 | 5 comments
47. Faster, ligher JS library: üjs (üjs.com)
32 points by bolinfest on April 1, 2011 | 3 comments
48. &q=helvetica (google.com)
30 points by dot on April 1, 2011 | 9 comments
49. Rate my startup: FaxIns.com, like Reddit for undigitized content (faxins.com)
28 points by bdr on April 1, 2011 | 10 comments
50. Introducing cppsh: A bash-Like Shell with C++ Syntax (mezeske.com)
29 points by humbledrone on April 1, 2011 | 11 comments
51. Show HN: Create a simple SMS to-do list for your music. (alpha) (tasteplug.com)
27 points by ajaymehta on April 1, 2011 | 13 comments
52. RSA: Anatomy of an Attack (rsa.com)
27 points by trotsky on April 1, 2011 | 14 comments
53. PagerDuty (YC S10) Pivot - Fixing the Public Transportation System (pagerduty.com)
26 points by alexsolo on April 1, 2011 | 13 comments
54. The Pylons Project Announces Web2Pyramid (pylonsproject.org)
25 points by hector_santiago on April 1, 2011 | 7 comments
55. How to Fix Google (tylerneylon.com)
29 points by jeanhsu on April 1, 2011 | 6 comments
56. The Broken U.S. Jobs Factory: Too Many Athletes, Too Few Scientists? (theatlantic.com)
24 points by cwan on April 1, 2011 | 55 comments
57. Matt Mullenweg on Multi-WAN Routers (ma.tt)
24 points by brm on April 1, 2011 | 14 comments
58. Twilio Launches Long Awaited Carrier Pigeon API (twilio.com)
26 points by enborra on April 1, 2011 | 4 comments
59. RSA SecurID attack details unveiled – they should have known better (gartner.com)
23 points by trotsky on April 1, 2011 | 25 comments
60. Pulse Completes Unprecedented Round of Funding (alphonsolabs.com)
24 points by akothari on April 1, 2011 | 6 comments

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