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Stories from January 26, 2011
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1. How (not) to write Factorial in Java (chaosinmotion.com)
387 points by smanek on Jan 26, 2011 | 199 comments
2. Google Starts Censoring BitTorrent, RapidShare and More (torrentfreak.com)
217 points by barredo on Jan 26, 2011 | 97 comments
3. Poll: Where do you work?
207 points by aditya on Jan 26, 2011 | 191 comments
4. Greplin (YC W10) open sources 10-15x faster protocol buffers for Python (github.com/greplin)
197 points by rwalker on Jan 26, 2011 | 33 comments
5. Grubwithus (YC W11) Brings Strangers Together Over Social Meals (mashable.com)
189 points by mhunter on Jan 26, 2011 | 76 comments
6. New in Gmail Labs: Unread message icon (gmailblog.blogspot.com)
179 points by julian37 on Jan 26, 2011 | 73 comments
7. Ask HN: Review RentPost.com (rentpost.com)
179 points by oojacoboo on Jan 26, 2011 | 247 comments
8. John's Phone: a minimalist cell phone (johnsphones.com)
169 points by duncanj on Jan 26, 2011 | 161 comments
9. Clever Algorithms: Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes (cleveralgorithms.com)
163 points by petercooper on Jan 26, 2011 | 25 comments
10. Apple.com gets a redesign (apple.com)
145 points by ssclafani on Jan 26, 2011 | 87 comments
11. Periodic Table of Google APIs (code.google.com)
143 points by rafaelc on Jan 26, 2011 | 27 comments
12. How Lisp macros differ from static code-generation and metaprogramming (brandonbyars.com)
141 points by gnosis on Jan 26, 2011 | 80 comments
13. One page: Javascript in 10 minutes (infogami.com)
139 points by alifaziz on Jan 26, 2011 | 16 comments
14. Woot's take on affiliate marketing (woot.com)
127 points by minouye on Jan 26, 2011 | 37 comments
15. Ooops. First 3 messages in my gmail spam folder (skitch.com)
126 points by joshfraser on Jan 26, 2011 | 19 comments
16. The Next Big Language (steve-yegge.blogspot.com)
124 points by niyazpk on Jan 26, 2011 | 71 comments
17. PhantomJS is a minimalistic, headless, WebKit-based, JavaScript-driven tool (code.google.com)
122 points by aheilbut on Jan 26, 2011 | 43 comments
18. What Stops Female Founders? (foundersatwork.com)
117 points by ph0rque on Jan 26, 2011 | 72 comments
19. Anonymously Post/Compare Startup Salary & Equity Offers (ackwire.com)
119 points by philfreo on Jan 26, 2011 | 68 comments
20. Ask HN: Review DocumentCloud.org
92 points by jashkenas on Jan 26, 2011 | 24 comments
21. "I Did a Bad Job" (ashmokhberi.com)
86 points by AshMokhberi on Jan 26, 2011 | 32 comments
22. Female Would-be Founders: Learn More About Startups by Grubbing with YC Alumni (foundersatwork.com)
79 points by jl on Jan 26, 2011 | 15 comments
23. XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet (owasp.org)
74 points by wooter on Jan 26, 2011 | 22 comments
24. Pandora: Community driven linux based hardware project, actually shipping units. (openpandora.org)
70 points by wozname on Jan 26, 2011 | 44 comments
25. How to Hack a Marathon (andrewgertig.com)
70 points by Gertig on Jan 26, 2011 | 28 comments
26. Android 3.0 Platform Preview and Updated SDK Tools (android-developers.blogspot.com)
69 points by daleharvey on Jan 26, 2011 | 41 comments
27. Should employers be blind to private beliefs? (Richard Dawkins) (boingboing.net)
67 points by mike_esspe on Jan 26, 2011 | 140 comments
28. Slashdot Launches Re-Design (slashdot.org)
66 points by Mithrandir on Jan 26, 2011 | 54 comments
29. Perl 5.12.3 released (perl.org)
65 points by Phra on Jan 26, 2011 | 31 comments
30. SendGrid Responds to Amazon's Simple Email Service (sendgrid.com)
64 points by joshfraser on Jan 26, 2011 | 42 comments

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