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Stories from September 7, 2010
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31. Once a Dynamo, the Tech Sector Is Slow to Hire (nytimes.com)
47 points by j_baker on Sept 7, 2010 | 62 comments
32. More GPL enforcement work again.. and a very surreal but important case (gnumonks.org)
45 points by Sandman on Sept 7, 2010 | 10 comments
33. BackType (YC S08) is hiring product designers, engineers and interns (backtype.com)
47 points by omakase on Sept 7, 2010 | 3 comments
34. Using hyphenation and justification on the web (alistapart.com)
44 points by duck on Sept 7, 2010 | 31 comments
35. A bike with a reverse-spinning wheel (cam.ac.uk)
42 points by RiderOfGiraffes on Sept 7, 2010 | 44 comments
36. Rick Santorum's Anal Sex Problem (motherjones.com)
42 points by Flemlord on Sept 7, 2010 | 29 comments
37. Oh My zsh (github.com/robbyrussell)
41 points by fogus on Sept 7, 2010 | 28 comments
38. EFF: Courts May Require Search Warrants for Cell Phone Location Records (eff.org)
37 points by ukdm on Sept 7, 2010 | 8 comments
39. Please Pull Over Before You Read This (blogs.forbes.com)
37 points by davepell on Sept 7, 2010 | 26 comments
40. Ask HN: Best books in API design
36 points by grep on Sept 7, 2010 | 17 comments
41. A Half Way House for NYC Startups (codybrowntext.tumblr.com)
33 points by ssclafani on Sept 7, 2010 | 9 comments
42. Welcome to Mozilla Labs Gaming (mozillalabs.com)
32 points by ssclafani on Sept 7, 2010 | 7 comments
43. HOW TO: Run Your Business Online with $10 and a Google Account (mashable.com)
29 points by Garbage on Sept 7, 2010 | 12 comments
44. Top Japanese Social Devs Make $1,000,000 Per Month (virtualgoodsnews.com)
29 points by thiele on Sept 7, 2010 | 8 comments
45. Android & iPhone App Design: Is it twice the work? (johnnyholland.org)
28 points by samiq on Sept 7, 2010 | 10 comments
46. Throw Away Your Bug Tracking System (apidesign.org)
27 points by locopati on Sept 7, 2010 | 21 comments
47. Software Engineering in North Korea (bloomberg.com)
26 points by pmorici on Sept 7, 2010 | 2 comments
48. Ask HN: what does Microsoft sell that you can't get for free?
27 points by AlexMuir on Sept 7, 2010 | 116 comments
49. Debating the Signaling Model of Education (volokh.com)
25 points by cwan on Sept 7, 2010 | 2 comments
50. Why Your Next App Should be Open Sourced (dzone.com)
24 points by Garbage on Sept 7, 2010 | 11 comments
51. Mastering the Art of APIs – Part 1 (thinkvitamin.com)
25 points by fogus on Sept 7, 2010 | 5 comments
52. H-P Sues Hurd After Oracle Appointment (wsj.com)
22 points by mechanician on Sept 7, 2010 | 19 comments
53. Websites with the most backlinks (seoprofiler.com)
23 points by andrevoget on Sept 7, 2010 | 19 comments
54. Harry Potter and The Methods of Rationality (fanfiction.net)
22 points by Indyan on Sept 7, 2010 | 3 comments
55. Rails Creator's New Custom Hypercar (secretentourage.com)
20 points by polymath21 on Sept 7, 2010 | 32 comments
56. Ambient Un-Belonging: Women and Tech Startups (audreywatters.com)
20 points by deanerimerman on Sept 7, 2010 | 37 comments
57. Vanity Fair on Sean Parker (vanityfair.com)
20 points by inmygarage on Sept 7, 2010
58. The Perfect Salary for Happiness: $75,000 (wsj.com)
19 points by jedwhite on Sept 7, 2010 | 18 comments
59. Interesting TED Videos (freestylemind.com)
19 points by oscardelben on Sept 7, 2010 | 7 comments
60. Eric Schmidt: “We Know Where You Are, We Know What You Like” (techcrunch.com)
18 points by icey on Sept 7, 2010 | 27 comments

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