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Stories from July 18, 2010
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1. Makani Power, a Google funded wind energy startup, comes out of stealth (makanipower.com)
155 points by miratrix on July 18, 2010 | 78 comments
2. This is how you pitch a new piece of technology. (youtube.com)
132 points by wherespaul on July 18, 2010 | 54 comments
3. Ask HN: Music while coding
102 points by qixxiq on July 18, 2010 | 171 comments
4. The Perl 6 project 10 years old today (perl.org)
90 points by avar on July 18, 2010 | 55 comments
5. To retire comfortably, under-40 workers need to seriously bulk up savings (washingtonpost.com)
88 points by petethomas on July 18, 2010 | 172 comments
6. How can I get addicted to programming? (stackoverflow.com)
87 points by d_r on July 18, 2010 | 33 comments
7. NYTimes on Facebook death, and why we created 1000Memories (YC S10) (1000memories.com)
86 points by Bretthuneycutt on July 18, 2010 | 39 comments
8. AppsAmuck: iPhone development examples (appsamuck.com)
79 points by podorozhny on July 18, 2010 | 17 comments
9. Beejs Guide to Unix IPC (beej.us)
77 points by fixmenow on July 18, 2010 | 19 comments
10. What happened to HTTP authentication? (rooftopsolutions.nl)
76 points by ks on July 18, 2010 | 34 comments
11. Ask HN: What proficiency does one need to start freelancing?
74 points by pbjorklund on July 18, 2010 | 31 comments
12. What a Programmer Sees When He Watches Inception (latestatic.com)
74 points by indiefan on July 18, 2010 | 73 comments
13. Google's Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets (google.com)
73 points by yarapavan on July 18, 2010 | 1 comment
14. Ask HN: Resources for finding short term projects?
61 points by skullsplitter on July 18, 2010 | 25 comments
15. My grandfather’s iPad (dispatched.ch)
56 points by preek on July 18, 2010 | 99 comments
16. Inside Apple's Actual Distortion Field (techcrunch.com)
56 points by bmcmanus on July 18, 2010 | 25 comments
17. The Hidden Cost of Smart Drugs (2008) (scienceblogs.com)
52 points by andreyf on July 18, 2010 | 41 comments
18. Do Schools Kill Creativity? (learnboost.com)
51 points by rafaelc on July 18, 2010 | 56 comments
19. Nigerian Internet use increasing (google.com)
48 points by OoTheNigerian on July 18, 2010 | 73 comments
20. American Murder Mystery (2008) (theatlantic.com)
46 points by simonb on July 18, 2010 | 40 comments
21. Principles for Making New Things (2008) (paulgraham.com)
46 points by dpatru on July 18, 2010 | 31 comments
22. When kings and princes grow old (economist.com)
43 points by bootload on July 18, 2010 | 48 comments
23. Leiningen 1.2 Released (Clojure build tool & more) (github.com/technomancy)
43 points by ihodes on July 18, 2010 | 12 comments
24. Apple's condescending iPhone 4 press conference. (slate.com)
42 points by obsaysditto on July 18, 2010 | 26 comments
25. Genetic algorithms in Python, a tutorial (acodersmusings.blogspot.com)
41 points by mipolonsky on July 18, 2010 | 7 comments
26. What Social Skills I Learn From The HN Community (co.cc)
41 points by rick_2047 on July 18, 2010 | 40 comments
27. A message from manpacks.com (zaid.posterous.com)
40 points by tsondermann on July 18, 2010 | 20 comments
28. Ask HN: My iPhone game is out. Now what?
39 points by mikek on July 18, 2010 | 24 comments
29. Mongrel2's Got Config Files, Streams MP3s (sheddingbikes.com)
38 points by KTamas on July 18, 2010 | 8 comments
30. Apollo 16 site snapped from orbit (discovermagazine.com)
38 points by rpledge on July 18, 2010 | 8 comments

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