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Stories from December 30, 2009
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1. Make a Mess, Clean it Up (folklore.org)
158 points by snprbob86 on Dec 30, 2009 | 20 comments
2. I made a native Python module for MS Word docx (github.com/mikemaccana)
144 points by nailer on Dec 30, 2009 | 25 comments
3. My latest flash game, Robokill 2 (rocksolidarcade.com)
122 points by reitzensteinm on Dec 30, 2009 | 62 comments
4. How to write and deploy a Lisp Webapp (postabon.com)
101 points by smanek on Dec 30, 2009 | 7 comments
5. All my methods take 316 arguments, and I like it that way (muckandbrass.com)
97 points by anonjon on Dec 30, 2009 | 86 comments
6. Secret language (joelonsoftware.com)
95 points by stakent on Dec 30, 2009 | 24 comments
7. Minimalism (ihumanable.com)
86 points by ihumanable on Dec 30, 2009 | 43 comments
8. Students Ace Textbook Physics While Struggling With Basic Understanding (video) (youtube.com)
72 points by vinutheraj on Dec 30, 2009 | 77 comments
9. Libcpu (libcpu.org)
70 points by fogus on Dec 30, 2009 | 5 comments
10. Programmer Competency Matrix
69 points by sliceghost on Dec 30, 2009 | 40 comments
11. Fraud U: Toppling a Bogus-Diploma Empire (wired.com)
61 points by Anon84 on Dec 30, 2009 | 30 comments
12. Intercourse and Intelligence (gnxp.com)
52 points by pwnstigator on Dec 30, 2009 | 73 comments
13. Zynga and the End of the Beginning (gamasutra.com)
50 points by rampr on Dec 30, 2009 | 9 comments
14. The Fifth Underhanded C Contest is Now Open (xcott.com)
49 points by marcus on Dec 30, 2009 | 10 comments
15. Twilio (phone call web API) is crazy fun: MicroISV on a Shoestring (kalzumeus.com)
49 points by stakent on Dec 30, 2009 | 4 comments
16. It's hard to change a little. It's much easier to change a lot. (plpatterns.com)
47 points by jonnytran on Dec 30, 2009 | 6 comments
17. Ask HN: What startups here are focusing on developing on top of .NET?
45 points by rbanffy on Dec 30, 2009 | 66 comments
18. Open Source Obligations (red-sweater.com)
44 points by bensummers on Dec 30, 2009 | 12 comments
19. Gone Nomad? Try Coworking. (zetetic.net)
45 points by billymeltdown on Dec 30, 2009 | 15 comments
20. Twilio Raises $3.7 Million For Powerful Telephony API (techcrunch.com)
44 points by immad on Dec 30, 2009 | 15 comments
21. Cross-domain privacy vulnerability using CSS, in all browsers (scarybeastsecurity.blogspot.com)
40 points by mbrubeck on Dec 30, 2009 | 6 comments
22. GitHub Flavored Markdown (github.github.com)
37 points by chaostheory on Dec 30, 2009 | 15 comments
23. Terrastore - Scalable, elastic, consistent document store (code.google.com)
37 points by tyler on Dec 30, 2009 | 14 comments
24. Follow up to "Functional Programming Doesn't Work" (dadgum.com)
35 points by steveklabnik on Dec 30, 2009 | 34 comments
25. Giles Bowkett: No New Languages In 2010; New Businesses Instead (gilesbowkett.blogspot.com)
34 points by ph0rque on Dec 30, 2009 | 14 comments
26. Microsoft.com - Careers: Linux/Open Office (microsoft.com)
32 points by wglb on Dec 30, 2009 | 34 comments
27. Ask HN: How do you get in your "productive" mode?
31 points by hajrice on Dec 30, 2009 | 41 comments
28. Why do so many terrorists have engineering degrees? (slate.com)
31 points by pchristensen on Dec 30, 2009 | 33 comments
29. The 4 Metrics of User Acquisition and the Customer Bull’s Eye (mattbrezina.com)
31 points by brezina on Dec 30, 2009 | 4 comments
30. T-Mobile "Officially" Confirms Google Phone (tmonews.com)
30 points by Flemlord on Dec 30, 2009 | 4 comments

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