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Stories from March 24, 2009
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31. IPhone App Developers Gripe About Payment Delays and Dismal Customer Service (techcrunch.com)
30 points by coglethorpe on March 24, 2009 | 7 comments
32. TweetRex launched: Twitter friend recommender built on the Directed Edge engine (directededge.com)
28 points by wheels on March 24, 2009 | 15 comments
33. Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow? (af.mil)
26 points by yesraaj on March 24, 2009 | 22 comments
34. Google Chrome harder to hack than other browsers (zdnet.com)
26 points by yaakov on March 24, 2009 | 16 comments
35. Apple Putting The Squeeze On iPhone Developers (kotaku.com)
26 points by gabrielleydon on March 24, 2009 | 17 comments
36. White Space: How to Get it Right (thinkvitamin.com)
26 points by dmytton on March 24, 2009 | 5 comments
37. Interview: Bruce Lewis on Web Develpment with Scheme (lawnelephant.com)
23 points by antiismist on March 24, 2009 | 3 comments
38. Using Twitter to Send Alerts When Your Site Goes Down (etherpad.com)
22 points by anson on March 24, 2009 | 31 comments
39. Advanced PHP Tips Revisited (smashingmagazine.com)
23 points by ninjac0der on March 24, 2009 | 9 comments
40. Watching the Growth of Walmart Across America (flowingdata.com)
21 points by twoz on March 24, 2009 | 12 comments
41. Toward an open web standard for 3D graphics (google-code-updates.blogspot.com)
19 points by peter123 on March 24, 2009 | 6 comments
42. Basic Tax Law That Every Start-Up Must Know: the 83b Election (fairmark.com)
19 points by keltecp11 on March 24, 2009 | 3 comments
43. The Open Company - Running your business as if it were an Open Source Project. (e-texteditor.com)
18 points by artost on March 24, 2009 | 3 comments
44. US Navy Laboratory Scientists: Possible cold fusion breakthrough (google.com)
18 points by nickb on March 24, 2009 | 13 comments
45. Offer HN: We do your accounting, You help us prove startup concept
17 points by ecommercematt on March 24, 2009 | 7 comments
46. Rails i18n Simplifier - Translator (graysky.org)
16 points by champion on March 24, 2009
47. How laziness changes thinking in Haskell (newartisans.com)
15 points by mqt on March 24, 2009 | 7 comments
48. Hacker News would scale better with some caching headers
14 points by sayrer on March 24, 2009 | 6 comments
49. Ask HN: What would an ideal online learning platform look like?
14 points by glen on March 24, 2009 | 25 comments
50. Online Monoculture and the End of the Niche (whimsley.typepad.com)
14 points by r7000 on March 24, 2009 | 5 comments
51. How the US government bailed out the railroads…and made a profit (washingtonmonthly.com)
13 points by sethg on March 24, 2009 | 4 comments
52. The Elegance of Imperfection (alistapart.com)
13 points by peter123 on March 24, 2009
53. Ask HN: How do you know what you want?
12 points by Ardit20 on March 24, 2009 | 12 comments
54. Scientists Map the Brain, Gene by Gene (wired.com)
12 points by robg on March 24, 2009 | 5 comments
55. Twitter Starts Serving Ads For Third Party Apps (techcrunch.com)
11 points by jasonlbaptiste on March 24, 2009 | 6 comments
56. Haskell Logo Contest Results (cornell.edu)
10 points by huhtenberg on March 24, 2009 | 9 comments
57. Ask HN: Efficiency of StumbleUpon advertising ?
10 points by huhtenberg on March 24, 2009 | 8 comments
58. What's So Hot About Chili Peppers? (smithsonianmag.com)
9 points by kqr2 on March 24, 2009
59. The Long Demise of Glass-Steagall - CitiGroup Led... (pbs.org)
9 points by spoiledtechie on March 24, 2009 | 2 comments
60. New OnLive service could turn the video game world upside down (venturebeat.com)
9 points by dmytton on March 24, 2009 | 10 comments

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