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Stories from February 11, 2009
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1. The Little Coder's Predicament (whytheluckystiff.net)
138 points by mqt on Feb 11, 2009 | 104 comments
2. Why We're Probably in For a Long Recession (fivethirtyeight.com)
81 points by robg on Feb 11, 2009 | 38 comments
3. How I Reimplemented My Shopping Cart To Sell More Software, w/ Code (bingocardcreator.com)
74 points by patio11 on Feb 11, 2009 | 19 comments
4. Want To Be A Startup CEO? Better Learn How To Code. (willobrien.wordpress.com)
69 points by willobrien on Feb 11, 2009 | 59 comments
5. How I made over $2 million with this blog (scripting.com)
65 points by raghus on Feb 11, 2009 | 24 comments
6. Posterous (YC S08) launches private, password-protected blogs by email (blog.posterous.com)
58 points by rantfoil on Feb 11, 2009 | 35 comments
7. Marketing is Design (softwarebyrob.com)
56 points by rwalling on Feb 11, 2009 | 5 comments
8. Study Shows Speaking Up More Makes You Seem More Competent... Even if You're Not (time.com)
42 points by thinkzig on Feb 11, 2009 | 17 comments
9. Yahoo BOSS API is no longer free (techcrunch.com)
37 points by vaksel on Feb 11, 2009 | 13 comments
10. Beware of Stephen J. Gould (overcomingbias.com)
36 points by MikeCapone on Feb 11, 2009 | 15 comments
11. Why Japan’s young consumers are turning away from luxury goods (theatlantic.com)
33 points by echair on Feb 11, 2009 | 14 comments
12. Hacker style versus the Dijkstra style
44 points by mad44 on Feb 11, 2009 | 33 comments
13. The Kindle and the End of the End of History (oreilly.com)
35 points by pclark on Feb 11, 2009 | 4 comments
14. Nate Silver's Theory on 'Recency Bias' (esquire.com)
33 points by kqr2 on Feb 11, 2009 | 6 comments
15. Page Cache, the Affair Between Memory and Files (duartes.org)
33 points by arthurk on Feb 11, 2009 | 1 comment
16. Amish Hackers and Early Adopters (kk.org)
33 points by dangoldin on Feb 11, 2009 | 2 comments
17. Body Language Reveals Wealth (livescience.com)
32 points by abl on Feb 11, 2009 | 30 comments
18. A Colorado school district does away with grade levels (yahoo.com)
32 points by gscott on Feb 11, 2009 | 21 comments
19. In the Lair of the Cycle-Eaters (timothyfitz.wordpress.com)
31 points by TimothyFitz on Feb 11, 2009 | 1 comment
20. Ask HN: What time tracking and billing software (or related solutions) do you recommend?
39 points by randomtask on Feb 11, 2009 | 40 comments
21. Haskell comprehension measured through WTF/min (ripplingbrainwaves.blogspot.com)
28 points by nickb on Feb 11, 2009 | 17 comments
22. Forget Micropayments -- Here's a Far Better Idea for Monetizing Content (editorandpublisher.com)
26 points by brand on Feb 11, 2009 | 21 comments
23. Remember That Company You Sold Last Year? Its Buyer Wants Its Money Back (pehub.com)
25 points by raghus on Feb 11, 2009 | 5 comments
24. The Open-Door Bailout (nytimes.com)
24 points by tokenadult on Feb 11, 2009 | 17 comments
25. Portland Ten launching new incubator program, charges entrepreneurs $1500 (siliconflorist.com)
24 points by mountaineer on Feb 11, 2009 | 26 comments
26. Study Shows Why Sleep is Needed to Form Memories (upenn.edu)
23 points by toni on Feb 11, 2009 | 1 comment
27. Tell HN: One URL Per Day
22 points by tsally on Feb 11, 2009 | 16 comments
28. According To Author's Guild, You Cannot Read Books Out Loud (techdirt.com)
22 points by nickb on Feb 11, 2009 | 13 comments
29. Jeff Atwood Finally Jumps the Shark (kevinwilliampang.com)
21 points by kpanghmc on Feb 11, 2009 | 22 comments
30. Going rogue inside a big company (a la Best Buy) (37signals.com)
21 points by twampss on Feb 11, 2009 | 7 comments

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