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Stories from February 7, 2009
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1. Technology is Heroin (whattofix.com)
113 points by DanielBMarkham on Feb 7, 2009 | 59 comments
2. Ask HN: Help me make HN work well on the iPhone
80 points by pg on Feb 7, 2009 | 63 comments
3. When I invented the Web, I didn't have to ask anyone's permission (2006) (csail.mit.edu)
80 points by vaksel on Feb 7, 2009 | 37 comments
4. The amazing intelligence of crows [video] (ted.com)
59 points by critic on Feb 7, 2009 | 12 comments
5. Mozilla Ubiquity: a ridiculously useful Firefox extension (vimeo.com)
52 points by acangiano on Feb 7, 2009 | 28 comments
6. TED 2009: How to Grow Your Own Fresh Air (greenspaces.in)
50 points by meattle on Feb 7, 2009 | 13 comments
7. How We Kill Geniuses (wired.com)
45 points by antiform on Feb 7, 2009 | 58 comments
8. Ask HN: How do you find work?
44 points by Zarathu on Feb 7, 2009 | 49 comments
9. Aaronson Reviews Princeton Companion to Mathematics (scottaaronson.com)
40 points by kurtosis on Feb 7, 2009 | 3 comments
10. Play-by-play on the phpbb.com hack (erratasec.blogspot.com)
40 points by slackerIII on Feb 7, 2009 | 23 comments
11. Facebook Opens Status API, Say Goodbye to Twitter (allfacebook.com)
40 points by jmorin007 on Feb 7, 2009 | 22 comments
12. Book review: Introduction to Information Retrieval (glinden.blogspot.com)
34 points by Maro on Feb 7, 2009 | 4 comments
13. XMPP and offline processing coming to Google App Engine (morethanseven.net)
30 points by danw on Feb 7, 2009 | 4 comments
14. Ask HN: When was the last really transformational idea in programming languages?
30 points by gruseom on Feb 7, 2009 | 50 comments
15. An Open Letter to my Two Mortgage Companies (stealthmode.com)
28 points by rstan251 on Feb 7, 2009 | 29 comments
16. The scientist and engineer's guide to dsp (dspguide.com)
24 points by karim on Feb 7, 2009 | 3 comments
17. Here comes the e-book revolution (computerworld.com)
23 points by cubix on Feb 7, 2009 | 40 comments
18. Ask HN: How could FeedBurner be better?
21 points by jaxn on Feb 7, 2009 | 16 comments
19. The Superior Civilization: E.O. Wilson's latest book on ants (nybooks.com)
19 points by kurtosis on Feb 7, 2009 | 9 comments
20. RAF Intelligence Analyst Decoder Test (raf.mod.uk)
19 points by pg on Feb 7, 2009 | 4 comments
21. Why I left my iPhone for a Blackberry. (benackerman.com)
18 points by beingfamous on Feb 7, 2009 | 10 comments
22. Ask HN: Review my Craigslist killer
14 points by colemaniac on Feb 7, 2009 | 49 comments
23. How to develop a Firefox extension (blog.mozilla.com)
11 points by soundsop on Feb 7, 2009 | 1 comment
24. Bacolicio.us (bacolicio.us)
11 points by unalone on Feb 7, 2009 | 11 comments
25. Ask HN: Is it essential to have personal websites?
11 points by SingAlong on Feb 7, 2009 | 5 comments
26. Hasn't It Always Been About Status? (avc.com)
9 points by jmorin007 on Feb 7, 2009
27. Persistent PHP processes in Erlang/OTP (andy.wordpress.com)
10 points by pierrefar on Feb 7, 2009
28. Lysp: 21kb self-contained Lisp interpreter w/ macros etc. (piumarta.com)
10 points by shaunxcode on Feb 7, 2009
29. Haskell for Basic (circa 1978) fans (augustss.blogspot.com)
10 points by bdfh42 on Feb 7, 2009
30. Classic WTF: The Cool Cam (thedailywtf.com)
9 points by andrewljohnson on Feb 7, 2009

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