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Stories from January 8, 2009
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1. A “short squeeze” sounds innocuous enough... (radian.org)
224 points by jdnier on Jan 8, 2009 | 51 comments
2. Potion - a little fast OO language by _why (github.com/why)
183 points by arockwell on Jan 8, 2009 | 55 comments
3. A guide to GNU Screen (redhatmagazine.com)
90 points by epi0Bauqu on Jan 8, 2009 | 23 comments
4. How Plentyoffish Conquered Online Dating (Hint: Its Founder Works Just One Hour a Day) (inc.com)
87 points by bd on Jan 8, 2009 | 36 comments
5. The Dangerous Trend Of Thinking That Ideas Can Be Owned, Sold Or Stolen (techdirt.com)
71 points by makimaki on Jan 8, 2009 | 22 comments
6. The Two Flaws Of Libertarian Economics (zedshaw.com)
64 points by bdfh42 on Jan 8, 2009 | 161 comments
7. Microsoft Releases Windows 7 Beta as a Free Download (wired.com)
64 points by atestu on Jan 8, 2009 | 39 comments
8. My visit to American Apparel (venturehacks.com)
63 points by peter123 on Jan 8, 2009 | 86 comments
9. Announcing the New York Times Congress API (nytimes.com)
60 points by brandnewlow on Jan 8, 2009 | 10 comments
10. QA from Anybots - the coolest thing you'll see at CES all day. (bluwiki.com)
52 points by Sam_Odio on Jan 8, 2009 | 41 comments
11. Ask HN: How to write a business plan for an Internet startup?
51 points by hamgav on Jan 8, 2009 | 49 comments
12. Things to consider before launching a startup (or) Sometimes it's not so fun (penelopetrunk.com)
46 points by cmos on Jan 8, 2009 | 30 comments
13. Beautifully Documented Code (toolness.com)
46 points by bdfh42 on Jan 8, 2009 | 1 comment
14. Ask HN: Do you criticize?
38 points by critic on Jan 8, 2009 | 83 comments
15. Unemployed architect gives advice for a nickel (nwsource.com)
38 points by blueben on Jan 8, 2009 | 7 comments
16. Ask HN: feedback on my trip and travel planner site (zipalong.com)
37 points by yoyoyo on Jan 8, 2009 | 33 comments
17. R.I.P. Dr. Dobb's (ericsink.com)
33 points by nickb on Jan 8, 2009 | 20 comments
18. Palm WebOS, Palm Mojo Application Framework, and Palm Mojo SDK (palm.com)
32 points by inc on Jan 8, 2009 | 27 comments
19. Ask HN: Using alternative keyboard layouts?
30 points by tower10 on Jan 8, 2009 | 71 comments
20. Academics: Why it's faster, more lucrative, and fun to do startups (academicproductivity.com)
27 points by urlwolf on Jan 8, 2009 | 10 comments
21. Miyamoto Musashi's Final Work (wikipedia.org)
26 points by rgrieselhuber on Jan 8, 2009 | 25 comments
22. India's Madoff? Satyam Scandal Rocks Outsourcing Industry (businessweek.com)
25 points by thomasmallen on Jan 8, 2009 | 5 comments
23. Why Facebook Will Have a Big 2009 (sitepoint.com)
21 points by astrec on Jan 8, 2009 | 30 comments
24. Would you buy a notebook with a battery you wouldn't replace? (technologizer.com)
21 points by technologizer on Jan 8, 2009 | 30 comments
25. Expenses You Don't Think of When Starting a Business (softwarebyrob.com)
20 points by timf on Jan 8, 2009 | 2 comments
26. Palm announces Palm Pre at CES (mobilecrunch.com)
19 points by chaostheory on Jan 8, 2009 | 13 comments
27. Dictionary Attacks 101 (codinghorror.com)
19 points by bdfh42 on Jan 8, 2009 | 13 comments
28. Ask HN: How important is Posix?
19 points by jballanc on Jan 8, 2009 | 40 comments
29. JQuery pageSlide: throwing content around (ajaxian.com)
18 points by ajbatac on Jan 8, 2009 | 15 comments
30. Brain Hayes on the Zune Bug (bit-player.org)
16 points by muon on Jan 8, 2009 | 14 comments

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