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Stories from October 1, 2008
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91. How to run a bug bash (scottberkun.com)
3 points by nside on Oct 1, 2008
92. Win32 How Do I...? (Windows-related Python recipes) (timgolden.me.uk)
3 points by ash on Oct 1, 2008
93. Street Fighting Mathematics (2008 MIT course) (ocw.mit.edu)
3 points by rw on Oct 1, 2008 | 1 comment
94. Netflix exposes api for their movie data (netflix.com)
3 points by carterschonwald on Oct 1, 2008
95. Windows Server on Amazon EC2? (25hoursaday.com)
3 points by Anon84 on Oct 1, 2008 | 1 comment
96. Google Blog Search Deals Technorati a Knockout Punch With New Homepage (mashable.com)
3 points by qhoxie on Oct 1, 2008
97. Apple Threatens iTunes Shutdown over Royalty Dispute (wired.com)
3 points by visakhcr on Oct 1, 2008 | 2 comments
98. First detection of magnetic field in distant galaxy produces a surprise (esciencenews.com)
3 points by FiReaNG3L on Oct 1, 2008
99. Zen of parsing (dealmeida.net)
3 points by bootload on Oct 1, 2008
100. This year’s IPO market weakest since 1977, and M&As are in the gutter (venturebeat.com)
3 points by visakhcr on Oct 1, 2008
101. Thoughts from the Ringside: Ringside Winding Down (bobbickel.blogspot.com)
3 points by jkopelman on Oct 1, 2008 | 1 comment
102. Prag Progs put iPhone SDK development book into beta following lift of Apple NDA (pragprog.com)
3 points by henning on Oct 1, 2008
103. Selenium: Firefox extension to automate web app testing (openqa.org)
3 points by soundsop on Oct 1, 2008 | 1 comment
104. Resources for learning REST (tbray.org)
3 points by henning on Oct 1, 2008
105. Any other HN readers going to Postgres West next weekend? (postgresqlconference.org)
3 points by olefoo on Oct 1, 2008
106. More on the sad state of print publishing for developers (ericsink.com)
3 points by baha_man on Oct 1, 2008
107. The Catholic Church's take on the conflict between Galileo and the Church (newadvent.org)
3 points by henning on Oct 1, 2008
108. Imeem Re-design: Less Clutter, More to Explore (readwriteweb.com)
3 points by qhoxie on Oct 1, 2008
109. JStORM: A New JavaScript Object-Relational Mapper (ajaxian.com)
3 points by bdfh42 on Oct 1, 2008
110. The Lerp Programming Language (lerp.org)
3 points by soundsop on Oct 1, 2008
111. Facebook Redesign Isn't A Disaster For Every Developer: Some Are Seeing Traffic Boom (alleyinsider.com)
3 points by vascoos01 on Oct 1, 2008
112. iPhone Inter-App Communication Using URL Schemes (furbo.org)
3 points by nickb on Oct 1, 2008
113. HN Feedback on Dojo Learning's new developer API, FB app, and major UI changes (dojolearning.com)
3 points by lux on Oct 1, 2008 | 4 comments
114. Complete YouTube videos of select Stanford classes (youtube.com)
2 points by Shamiq on Oct 1, 2008 | 4 comments
115. 10 Useful articles about Database design (woork.blogspot.com)
2 points by Anon84 on Oct 1, 2008
116. The lean startup comes to Stanford (startuplessonslearned.blogspot.com)
2 points by prakash on Oct 1, 2008
117. 20 Cloud Computing Startups You Should Know (informationweek.com)
2 points by qhoxie on Oct 1, 2008
118. Bailout will turn America into England (law.harvard.edu)
2 points by soundsop on Oct 1, 2008
119. Google Blog: Clean energy 2030 (googleblog.blogspot.com)
2 points by qhoxie on Oct 1, 2008
120. Which region leads in IPv6 adoption? The answer may surprise you (thestandard.com)
2 points by ilamont on Oct 1, 2008

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