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Stories from July 10, 2008
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31. The iPhone 1.0 critics -- where are they now? (thestandard.com)
14 points by ilamont on July 10, 2008 | 19 comments
32. Search War: Yahoo Opens Its Search Engine to Attack Google With An Army of Verticals (readwriteweb.com)
13 points by terpua on July 10, 2008 | 3 comments
33. Jonathan Lee Riches Strikes Again: Targeting Loopt CEO (pehub.com)
13 points by jmorin007 on July 10, 2008 | 4 comments
34. Y Combinator competitor - DreamIt Ventures (cheaprevolution.com)
12 points by myasmine on July 10, 2008 | 11 comments
35. Linden Lab CEO responds to Lively, says Second Life UI will be simplified (thestandard.com)
12 points by ilamont on July 10, 2008 | 2 comments
36. Yahoo Boss - An Insider View (zooie.wordpress.com)
13 points by adrianwaj on July 10, 2008
37. 10 Great Tech Books (ieee.org)
11 points by paul_reiners on July 10, 2008 | 7 comments
38. Overwork killed 45-year-old engineer (msn.com)
10 points by edw519 on July 10, 2008 | 9 comments
39. How much do looks matter? Freakonomics Quorum. (nytimes.com)
10 points by dangoldin on July 10, 2008 | 12 comments
40. HTML or XHTML: Does It Really Matter? (sitepoint.com)
10 points by ajbatac on July 10, 2008 | 13 comments
41. Get Loopt on the iPhone (phobos.apple.com)
9 points by startupobsessed on July 10, 2008 | 4 comments
42. How does 280slides.com do Cocoa on the web? (280slides.com)
9 points by sktrdie on July 10, 2008 | 6 comments
43. An Open-Source Cellphone (Tinkerers, Have a Ball) (nytimes.com)
8 points by robg on July 10, 2008 | 3 comments
44. After turning over control of their companies, entrepreneurs who stay on face challenges. (nytimes.com)
4 points by robg on July 10, 2008
45. Ask Aubrey de Grey About Longevity Research on Slashdot (slashdot.org)
7 points by troystribling on July 10, 2008 | 6 comments
46. We’re not “resources” (markturansky.com)
7 points by reazalun on July 10, 2008 | 9 comments
47. Iran's new secret weapon: Photoshop (alleyinsider.com)
7 points by fromedome on July 10, 2008 | 1 comment
48. Here's Why You Shouldn't Start a Tech Company in Silicon Valley (centernetworks.com)
7 points by drm237 on July 10, 2008
49. This 'small scratch' can make Internet 60 times faster (rediff.com)
7 points by nreece on July 10, 2008 | 14 comments
50. "Grooks" by Piet Hein (carleton.ca)
7 points by garret on July 10, 2008 | 2 comments
51. Tampa Tribune editor: paper is an add-on to the web site (jessicadasilva.com)
6 points by kennyroo on July 10, 2008 | 2 comments
52. Functional Javascript (hunlock.com)
7 points by alex_c on July 10, 2008 | 2 comments
53. I Wonder What This Button Does (alistapart.com)
6 points by revorad on July 10, 2008
54. The Worldwide State of the Mobile Web - Nielsen report [pdf] (nielsenmobile.com)
6 points by reazalun on July 10, 2008 | 1 comment
55. Gmail gets remote log-off feature (indiatimes.com)
6 points by ideas101 on July 10, 2008 | 1 comment
56. Mobile web reaches critical mass (bbc.co.uk)
6 points by nickb on July 10, 2008 | 1 comment
57. Is functional programming in Ruby not worth the bother? (sandersn.com)
4 points by raganwald on July 10, 2008
58. Patch Your (non-DJBDNS) Server Now. Dan Was Right. I Was Wrong. (matasano.com)
5 points by antiform on July 10, 2008
59. Why Spec Work is Evil (andrewhyde.net)
5 points by vulpes on July 10, 2008
60. The three laws of great graphs (sethgodin.typepad.com)
5 points by pbnaidu on July 10, 2008 | 1 comment

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