31. | | Visualising your social networks (newscientist.com) |
8 points by breily on May 2, 2008 | 2 comments
32. | | Trojan Room coffee pot -- a practical predecessor to Justin.tv (wikipedia.org) |
8 points by byrneseyeview on May 2, 2008
33. | | How to deal with incompetence, I mean SQL injection (networkworld.com) |
7 points by dnaquin on May 2, 2008 | 6 comments
34. | | Why hasn't technology improved customer service? (thestandard.com) |
7 points by ilamont on May 2, 2008 | 4 comments
35. | | IBM, Microsoft & Google Eras of Computing (zoho.com) |
7 points by sridharvembu on May 2, 2008 | 3 comments
36. | | Nouncer Founder Discusses Failure and The Lessons He Learned (centernetworks.com) |
7 points by rockstar9 on May 2, 2008
37. | | Rails gets more mature (Upcoming Rails 2.1 Features) (railspikes.com) |
6 points by chaostheory on May 2, 2008 | 2 comments
38. | | Eureka Science news - automated science news aggregator startup (esciencenews.com) |
6 points by FiReaNG3L on May 2, 2008 | 10 comments
39. | | It's the Cognitive Age: Skills Revolution Dwarfs Globalization (nytimes.com) |
6 points by skmurphy on May 2, 2008 | 1 comment
40. | | New Gmail features (mail.google.com) |
6 points by getp on May 2, 2008 | 11 comments
41. | | From Welding to Weddings, DIY Rules at Maker Faire (wired.com) |
6 points by naish on May 2, 2008
42. | | Followup on "IQ-boosting exercise": Cognitivefun, my website for cognitive exercises |
6 points by whacked_new on May 2, 2008 | 2 comments
43. | | Little tweaks, huge impact (37signals.com) |
6 points by adityakothadiya on May 2, 2008
44. | | YC On The Funded: "Nice people, niched auditory" (thefunded.com) |
6 points by dshah on May 2, 2008 | 6 comments
45. | | Anatomy of Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) (ibm.com) |
6 points by kungfudoi on May 2, 2008
46. | | Examining Microsoft's and Yahoo's unspoken concerns (pmarca.com) |
5 points by breily on May 2, 2008
47. | | Finally, Microsoft and Yahoo in Merger Talks (nytimes.com) |
5 points by nickb on May 2, 2008
48. | | Silicon Valley Fight Club (go.com) |
5 points by tlrobinson on May 2, 2008 | 2 comments
49. | | Google Analytics without javascript (vdgraaf.info) |
5 points by breily on May 2, 2008 | 1 comment
50. | | Network Programming in Erlang (20bits.com) |
5 points by jfarmer on May 2, 2008
51. | | Google's Art of War — With Facebook (time.com) |
5 points by nickb on May 2, 2008
52. | | Sun Micro Records $34 Million Loss (wsj.com) |
4 points by rockstar9 on May 2, 2008
53. | | Censoring because you disagree? |
4 points by 0x28aa1f185a6b4 on May 2, 2008 | 8 comments
54. | | Now Microsoft "Leaning Toward Hostile" (alleyinsider.com) |
4 points by twampss on May 2, 2008 | 2 comments
55. | | People You May Know (facebook.com) |
4 points by getp on May 2, 2008 | 5 comments
56. | | Dallas meetup tonight (startupdrinks.com) |
4 points by aggieben on May 2, 2008
57. | | Formula for success in learning. The power of knowledge (supermemo.com) |
4 points by prakash on May 2, 2008
58. | | Universities Baffled By Massive Surge In RIAA Copyright Notices (wired.com) |
4 points by edw519 on May 2, 2008
59. | | Convince me to use Python (convincemetousepython.blogspot.com) |
4 points by bdfh42 on May 2, 2008
60. | | A classic tale of too many cooks in the kitchen (37signals.com) |
4 points by breily on May 2, 2008
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