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Stories from March 29, 2008
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31. Does HN have conflicting interests?
6 points by yters on March 29, 2008 | 14 comments
32. Why Bebo Doesn't Owe Musicians Anything (mattmaroon.com)
6 points by mattmaroon on March 29, 2008 | 2 comments
33. Ask News.yc: Should there be a lower karma bound for Ask News.YC?
6 points by mattmaroon on March 29, 2008 | 9 comments
34. Google switches to black background for Earth Hour (google.co.uk)
6 points by danw on March 29, 2008 | 1 comment
35. All 44 Blackboard Patent Claims Invalidated (slashdot.org)
5 points by kf on March 29, 2008 | 4 comments
36. Services like Loopt turn cellphones into "friend radars" (washingtonpost.com)
5 points by theoneill on March 29, 2008
37. Facebook friends not real friends: judge (smh.com.au)
5 points by nickb on March 29, 2008 | 4 comments
38. Marc Cuban: "The Internet's dead.. [it's] for old people." (multichannel.com)
5 points by wanorris on March 29, 2008 | 5 comments
39. EKA - The world’s fastest privately funded supercomputer (punetech.com)
5 points by gongfudoi on March 29, 2008
40. Treasury Dept. Plan Would Give Fed Wide New Power (nytimes.com)
5 points by gibsonf1 on March 29, 2008 | 2 comments
41. Growth vs. Size
5 points by marrone on March 29, 2008 | 5 comments
42. A tunnel linking Alaska and Russia (bloomberg.com)
4 points by jsrn on March 29, 2008
43. Talent Agents in the Digital World (centernetworks.com)
4 points by jmorin007 on March 29, 2008
44. 3 Comments a day?
4 points by mailanay on March 29, 2008 | 3 comments
45. Research finds "runner's high" is real (nytimes.com)
4 points by kradic on March 29, 2008 | 2 comments
46. Continuations Versus Page-Centric Programming (scribd.com)
4 points by vlad on March 29, 2008
47. The Economics of Gawker Bloggers (portfolio.com)
4 points by sopu on March 29, 2008
48. Linux #1 Operating System in Hollywood (linuxmovies.org)
4 points by hhm on March 29, 2008 | 2 comments
49. Take "Free Public Wifi" to the next level (tipjoys2cents.blogspot.com)
4 points by ivankirigin on March 29, 2008
50. Raganwald: The only workable system for generating interesting, cool, and relevant software (raganwald.com)
3 points by sharksandwich on March 29, 2008 | 1 comment
51. My online free book search engine. Hope it helps. (boocu.com)
3 points by peter969 on March 29, 2008 | 4 comments
52. Natali Del Conte From CNET Teaches Us How To Rip Off Video Game Merchants (centernetworks.com)
3 points by jmorin007 on March 29, 2008
53. When cutting code, Lisp is the lightsaber (bendiken.net)
3 points by knarf on March 29, 2008
54. Feature Request: We can haz API?
3 points by nextmoveone on March 29, 2008 | 2 comments
55. Can a Swimsuit Be Too Good? (popsci.com)
3 points by prakash on March 29, 2008 | 1 comment
56. Who Pays for Our Online Lives? (npr.org)
3 points by michjeanty on March 29, 2008
57. Carnival of Biz Dev: Hackers Helping Other Hackers
3 points by jasonlbaptiste on March 29, 2008
58. Facebook Apps Reach 20,000; How Many Are Time Savers? (centernetworks.com)
3 points by transburgh on March 29, 2008
59. Sex Workers Turned To Twitter, iPhones, Tumblr During Spitzer Scandal (alleyinsider.com)
3 points by paulsb on March 29, 2008
60. Internet now up to 1.5% of U.S. electricity (scribd.com)
3 points by alexwg on March 29, 2008 | 1 comment

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