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Stories from March 22, 2008
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1. Coding Horror: Paul Graham's Participatory Narcissism (codinghorror.com)
121 points by sharksandwich on March 22, 2008 | 130 comments
2. The Internet? Bah! - hilarious 1995 article by Clifford Stoll (newsweek.com)
59 points by edw519 on March 22, 2008 | 23 comments
3. Why the US is collapsing (falkvinge.com)
41 points by nickb on March 22, 2008 | 33 comments
4. The story behind Dean Kamen's combustive meeting with Steve Jobs (hbs.edu)
39 points by alexwg on March 22, 2008 | 12 comments
5. Ask: OK, I've got my Web 2.0 website. How do I promote it?
37 points by curtis on March 22, 2008 | 36 comments
6. Paul Krugman: Partying Like It’s 1929 (nytimes.com)
32 points by tomh on March 22, 2008 | 19 comments
7. Hack a meal in 10 minutes or less. No ramen allowed
26 points by rokhayakebe on March 22, 2008 | 59 comments
8. Google interview (ifdefined.com)
25 points by nickb on March 22, 2008 | 6 comments
9. IQ vs Occupation chart [jpg] (iqcomparisonsite.com)
22 points by iamelgringo on March 22, 2008 | 8 comments
10. Apple: Application Design Fundamentals (developer.apple.com)
21 points by pistoriusp on March 22, 2008 | 1 comment
11. Ask YC: Help me review my new photo hosting startup (simplebucket.com)
15 points by khangtoh on March 22, 2008 | 8 comments
12. War of the Worlds (pbs.org)
14 points by auferstehung on March 22, 2008 | 2 comments
13. People who are sleep deprived have no sense of their limitations (cbsnews.com)
13 points by stillmotion on March 22, 2008 | 7 comments
14. Bridging Desktop And Web Applications - A Look At Mozilla Prism (techcrunch.com)
13 points by nickb on March 22, 2008
15. #1 Mistake by Coders who Are Doing UI Design (tonywright.com)
12 points by prakash on March 22, 2008 | 6 comments
16. Zed Shaw: "My Bear Stearns Employees Need A Job" (zedshaw.com)
11 points by nickb on March 22, 2008 | 7 comments
17. If your GPS device told you to drive off a cliff, would you do it? (wsj.com)
11 points by rglovejoy on March 22, 2008 | 12 comments
18. The perfect virtual community - facebook lost it (chimprawk.blogspot.com)
10 points by bosshog on March 22, 2008
19. Eulogies (mattmaroon.com)
9 points by drm237 on March 22, 2008 | 5 comments
20. The Theory of Relativity in words of four letters or less (muppetlabs.com)
9 points by dmoney on March 22, 2008 | 1 comment
21. Q: "Other" Startups
9 points by tel on March 22, 2008 | 9 comments
22. Secret shortcut: personal vs. impersonal (sethgodin.typepad.com)
9 points by drm237 on March 22, 2008 | 5 comments
23. Ask YC: How scientific is the YC selection process?
9 points by amichail on March 22, 2008 | 9 comments
24. Did We Just Witness a Twitter Marriage Proposal? (mashable.com)
8 points by pius on March 22, 2008 | 1 comment
25. Read the Wall Street Journal for free (salon.com)
8 points by alexwg on March 22, 2008 | 2 comments
26. User Interface Design Patterns (ui-patterns.com)
8 points by nreece on March 22, 2008
27. Why Rails Will Not Reign Supreme (and why you shouldn't want it to) (citrusbyte.com)
8 points by nickb on March 22, 2008
28. Q about Exercise 10.4 in "ANSI Common Lisp"
7 points by paul_reiners on March 22, 2008 | 10 comments
29. Git Magic (stanford.edu)
7 points by pius on March 22, 2008 | 1 comment
30. How to recruit co-Founders for a bootstrapping startup (lovemytool.com)
7 points by dennykmiu on March 22, 2008 | 1 comment

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