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Stories from August 9, 2007
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61. Google News Hypocrisy: Walled Off Content (techcrunch.com)
1 point by transburgh on Aug 9, 2007
62. Startups: We're assailed by doubts, mortified by our own shortcomings... (ondisruption.com)
1 point by lispy on Aug 9, 2007
63. The 38th Signal: 37signals parody (off-topic, but funny) (38thsignal.blogspot.com)
1 point by samb on Aug 9, 2007
64. Dan Kaminsky just killed OpenID with unveiling of his attack suite during Blackhat conference (blackhat.com)
1 point by nickb on Aug 9, 2007 | 3 comments
65. Apple's Numbers like Trapeze, but 20 years later (thecodist.com)
1 point by ks on Aug 9, 2007
66. Lisp in Small Pieces for Small Prices (less than $4!) (xach.livejournal.com)
1 point by nickb on Aug 9, 2007
67. Developer Platform on Google Apps for Domains? (sablog.com)
1 point by sbraford on Aug 9, 2007
68. Widgets, Spotlight Coming to iPhone? (iphoneology.com)
1 point by terpua on Aug 9, 2007
69. Breaking down the Apple announcements (macworld.com)
1 point by terpua on Aug 9, 2007
70. Collaboration is Hard, Part III (onlyonce.blogs.com)
1 point by sbraford on Aug 9, 2007
71. Fox News and The Onion: The Most Trusted Names in News, together at last (mashable.com)
1 point by sbraford on Aug 9, 2007
72. Netscape bigger than Digg? (including forced netscape.com startpage users) (calacanis.com)
1 point by sbraford on Aug 9, 2007
73. Synergy (johnplaceonline.com)
1 point by vlad on Aug 9, 2007
74. How to Disagree and Persuade Without Offending (johnplaceonline.com)
1 point by vlad on Aug 9, 2007
75. Why social networks use bidirectional links even though unidirectional links are probably better (mindrosity.blogspot.com)
1 point by amichail on Aug 9, 2007
76. Widescreen monitor for development
1 point by SimJapan2005 on Aug 9, 2007 | 1 comment
77. Wal-Mart Hawks Wares On Facebook (webpronews.com)
1 point by transburgh on Aug 9, 2007
78. SubmitYourVote.com
1 point by fairfox on Aug 9, 2007 | 1 comment
79. Consumers Not Down With Video Downloading (webpronews.com)
1 point by transburgh on Aug 9, 2007
80. AdSymetrix Tracks Ads Online & Off (mashable.com)
1 point by horatio05 on Aug 9, 2007
81. MySQL Takes Another Step (Away from Open Source) (firebirdnews.org)
1 point by EastSmith on Aug 9, 2007
82. The venture capital king of Europe (cnn.com)
1 point by KB on Aug 9, 2007
83. Rah Rah ? No. Match Incentives with Individual Employee Motivations (ventureadventure.net)
1 point by vlad on Aug 9, 2007
84. JS/AJAX: Modal Box for popups and wizards (wildbit.com)
1 point by Keios on Aug 9, 2007
85. Auctomatic to present at Limerick (Ireland) OpenCoffee Thursday (eirepreneur.blogs.com)
1 point by staunch on Aug 9, 2007
86. Prediction: YC's IPO is in the works.
1 point by rokhayakebe on Aug 9, 2007 | 7 comments
87. When it Comes to Social Media Websites, the Long Tail Doesn't Apply (seomoz.org)
1 point by transburgh on Aug 9, 2007
88. Is there a place where someone can live-blog demo-day?
1 point by blored on Aug 9, 2007 | 1 comment
89. Email Attachments Are So Uncool (techcrunch.com)
1 point by transburgh on Aug 9, 2007
90. Wow - Clown Co. Got That $1 billion Valuation (still nameless though) (techcrunch.com)
1 point by transburgh on Aug 9, 2007

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