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Stories from August 9, 2007
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31. People-powered customer service (getsatisfaction.com)
3 points by terpua on Aug 9, 2007 | 3 comments
32. ooma on sale today (techcrunch.com)
3 points by samb on Aug 9, 2007 | 3 comments
33. Stop it. Stop it right now. (meyerweb.com)
3 points by nickb on Aug 9, 2007 | 5 comments
34. Just look at the ilike.com team! Wow (ilike.com)
3 points by eusman on Aug 9, 2007 | 1 comment
35. Meat Space Still Matters In A Web 2.0 World (informationweek.com)
2 points by drm237 on Aug 9, 2007
36. Ask News.YC: Do you prefer to hack in darkness or in the light?
2 points by palish on Aug 9, 2007 | 5 comments
37. Why social networks use bidirectional links even though unidirectional links may be better
2 points by amichail on Aug 9, 2007
38. Excellent start-up idea...
2 points by blored on Aug 9, 2007 | 5 comments
39. Free startup tips ebook (centernetworks.com)
2 points by ninjamonkno1 on Aug 9, 2007
40. Guy Kawasaki Talks About Making Meaning with Your Business (stirtzgroup.com)
2 points by kevinxray on Aug 9, 2007
41. How much is 100 Percent of a Company with No Value Worth? (gobignetwork.com)
2 points by transburgh on Aug 9, 2007 | 1 comment
42. To build a social network. would you use off the shelves (like joomla) or build from scratch?
2 points by rokhayakebe on Aug 9, 2007 | 4 comments
43. do you under the fear that a YC *tup is gonna demo what you workin on?
2 points by rokhayakebe on Aug 9, 2007 | 1 comment
44. Great Socially-Networked Color Chooser from Adobe Labs (adobe.com)
2 points by vlad on Aug 9, 2007
45. Beautiful Code - Author Interview with Andy Oram and Greg Wilson (safaribooksonline.com)
2 points by vlad on Aug 9, 2007
46. Preezo Battles PowerPoint - Google, Zenter Too (mashable.com)
2 points by horatio05 on Aug 9, 2007 | 1 comment
47. Who Is Cloning Who? Business2.0, try again (techcrunch.com)
2 points by transburgh on Aug 9, 2007 | 1 comment
48. Meetup Launches Facebook Application (centernetworks.com)
2 points by transburgh on Aug 9, 2007
49. Edward Tufte on How to Moderate Forums (edwardtufte.com)
2 points by nivi on Aug 9, 2007
50. AOL May Kill Their Netscape Digg Clone (techcrunch.com)
2 points by transburgh on Aug 9, 2007
51. Billionaire M&A Deal-maker Training (smartstartup.typepad.com)
3 points by MrHaney on Aug 9, 2007
52. Are You a Ninja or a Pirate Personality Test (tracksuitceo.wordpress.com)
2 points by eastsidegringo on Aug 9, 2007
53. Idea: invite the companies most-likely-to-acquire YC Startups to demo day.
1 point by ivankirigin on Aug 9, 2007 | 1 comment
54. Facebook Addresses BNP Problem (webpronews.com)
1 point by transburgh on Aug 9, 2007
55. Blockbuster acquires Movielink (news.com.com)
1 point by rchambers on Aug 9, 2007
56. A NIST guide: Tell the story of your business compellingly (nist.gov)
1 point by tuukkah on Aug 9, 2007 | 1 comment
57. Feel like writing a book? (third-bit.com)
1 point by rfrey on Aug 9, 2007
58. The Rails Blues (needmoredesigns.com)
1 point by tim on Aug 9, 2007 | 1 comment
59. Tony Dakota - Venture Capitalist (g4tv.com)
1 point by rchambers on Aug 9, 2007
60. Spock Serving 400 Pageviews Per Second at Launch (mashable.com)
1 point by horatio05 on Aug 9, 2007

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