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Stories from May 31, 2007
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1. How Ads Really Work: Superfans and Noobs -- Great post by creator of Metafilter (fortuito.us)
28 points by especkman on May 31, 2007 | 5 comments
2. Warning: RoR is slow
21 points by keiretsu on May 31, 2007 | 58 comments
3. Startup search (startupsearch.org)
11 points by bootload on May 31, 2007 | 12 comments
4. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates discuss desktop vs. web apps and mobile devices (excellent arguments and ideas!) (allthingsd.com)
11 points by nickb on May 31, 2007 | 5 comments
5. evhead: You have to decide what game you're playing (evhead.com)
8 points by jkopelman on May 31, 2007 | 4 comments
6. Adsense as a biz model is doomed
9 points by keiretsu on May 31, 2007 | 22 comments
7. Hard Negotiating a Business Sale -- Norm Brodsky (inc.com)
9 points by kingnothing on May 31, 2007 | 2 comments
8. Microhacks for supersizing convertible debt (venturehacks.com)
9 points by nivi on May 31, 2007
9. evhead: Why VC (Ev, of Twitter) (evhead.com)
7 points by paul on May 31, 2007
10. eBay acquires StumbleUpon for $75 million. (techcrunch.com)
7 points by dmnd on May 31, 2007
11. Google to release Google Gears on Thursday - take applications beyond the web and challenge Microsoft on desktop (ft.com)
6 points by nickb on May 31, 2007 | 12 comments
12. LiveJournal Founder Brad Fitzpatrick "actually, little-known fact: I don't work on LJ, and haven't in a while" (brad.livejournal.com)
6 points by staunch on May 31, 2007 | 1 comment
13. Do you force your new users to verify their email addresses?
6 points by keiretsu on May 31, 2007 | 6 comments
14. Scientology as a way of marketing your product (maximusklein.com)
10 points by julycohen on May 31, 2007 | 3 comments
15. Business milestone: the Hot Chick Tipping Point (valleywag.com)
5 points by NickDouglas on May 31, 2007 | 2 comments
16. Yahoo's chief technology officer resigns (news.com.com)
4 points by gibsonf1 on May 31, 2007
17. Steve and Bill Interview Video (allthingsd.com)
4 points by schoudha on May 31, 2007
18. A longish review of python frameworks (infogami.com)
4 points by Keios on May 31, 2007 | 4 comments
19. iPhone to get third party apps - start your Xcode folks! (engadget.com)
3 points by nickb on May 31, 2007
20. Rimer's Rules for Open Source (businessweek.com)
3 points by mazen on May 31, 2007
21. Google gears up offline access for Web apps (pcworld.com)
3 points by bootload on May 31, 2007
22. Big Media Snapping Up Web 2.0 Startups (readwriteweb.com)
2 points by bootload on May 31, 2007
23. Mass deletion sparks LiveJournal revolt (news.com.com)
2 points by gibsonf1 on May 31, 2007
24. Calacanis launches Mahalo - crappy site, big SEO play (centernetworks.com)
2 points by cala132 on May 31, 2007 | 1 comment
25. Map API / Accuracy comparison (4 maps, one page) (jaggederest.com)
2 points by jaggederest on May 31, 2007 | 4 comments
26. Warren Ellis on internet "Burst Culture" (warrenellis.com)
2 points by dfens on May 31, 2007 | 1 comment
27. Your startup is not popular. Do you really want to know why? (businesshackers.com)
2 points by szczupak on May 31, 2007
28. Interview with Eric Goldstein of Clipmarks (startupstories.com)
2 points by jkush on May 31, 2007
29. Internet "Spam king" is arrested (yahoo.com)
2 points by Sam_Odio on May 31, 2007
30. Feature Request - Check URL for previous entry
2 points by Keios on May 31, 2007 | 3 comments

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